Sleuth Home - Detective Henry Walker

Tough and Charming
6248 days
Moonlighting Dilettante
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Classic Sleuth
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Detective Biography

Vaudeville, I grew up with it. My mother was Lightfoot Bonnie, as she was called. Her name was Bonnie Henderson. I received my father's last name, Richard Walker and my grandfather's name Henry. My mother always liked that name. If you ask my mother about my father, she'll say that he's a bastard from hell. That's only cause he left her for a woman twice his age. I never knew him.

Mother danced quite beautifully and had many admirers. The one I remember clearly was a man by the name of Gerald Fox. He always smelled of cigar and aftershave. My mother adored him. He had money and he was charming, but I distrusted him. I wanted my mother to stay away from him.

Then, one day, Gerald went into my mother's dressing room. I was sitting on a pite of cardboard boxes. Just staring around. I heard sounds coming out of my mother's dressing room, as screams. I wanted to go in there, but her door was lock. The noise then went to sounded of joy. Gerald walked out fixing his tie and patted me on my head. My mother's blond hair was all messy and her clothes were disarried.

The months passed and my mother started to fall in love with Gerald even more. She pushed me aside and didn't even pay attention to me. I remember when I learned how to ride a bicycle. Before Gerald, she would be so happy with me and take me out for an ice cream. But now, she just patted my head and told me that's good.

Then one night, after my mother's greatest shows, he came to her dressing room like he always did. They locked the door, like they always did. I sat on my usual place among the cardboard boxes. Lillian Warren, a fabulous singer always loved me. She thought I was so cute.

Well it happened that that night she spotted me, sitting on the carboard boxes. She came over to me and asked me where my mother was. I told her in there with Gerald Fox. She shook her head. The she invited me to an ice cream. I went with her and held her hand as we walked to the nearest parlor. Lillian watched me as I ate. I had always like Lillain. I remember that I had a crush on her and I was nine at the time.

She brought me back to where I was before, sitting on the cardboard boxes. She noticed that the door was a bit open. As she went in, I followed. I heard her call my mother's name, but no answer, then Lillain gasped. There was my mother, her neck completely cut. Blood all around her. I saw her and I threw up my ice cream.

A few years later, I became a private eye, to prevent what happened to my mother t other people. Gerald was never caught and Lillian took care of me. I was just starting my career, when an old man caem in to ask for my help. I said of course. He smelled like cigars and aftershave. I asked for his name and he told me...
GERALD FOX. A tremble came into my hand. I wanted to punch him! I lunged for him and then I opened my mouth and said...

" What do you need help with?"


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-2)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Good(10)
Eastern Triads:  Neutral(0)
Circle of Light:  Neutral(0)
Green Hand:  Neutral(0)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Music Teacher (New York)

Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected
