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Why did you pick your detective name?
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May-26-2005 05:26
(sticky post)

Some of us have interesting reasons to pick a detective name. What is yours?

jstkdn which some people don't realize right away stands for JuST KiDding! It is something I tend to say a lot in real life after a lot of sentences. A good friend of mine in the US had jstkdn as a license plate of her car, so I wasn't that inventive myself.

My previous other agent was PM, which stands for Project/Program Manager, my profession in real life.

My only detective that I currently play with is freelancermountaineer. Only because Freelancer was taken. Sidney Bristow in the Alias series uses two call signs freelancer and mountaineer.



Sep-3-2006 05:57

Detective in Hebrew is Balash...

Kahlo Rains
Kahlo Rains

Sep-3-2006 07:56

One of the women I admire for her passion, art and spirit is Frida Kahlo, at the beginning of a fictional novel about her life begins with the words, "I was born in rain and I will die in rain."

Thus, Kahlo Rains

Also, I just love the rain!

Old Shoe

Sep-8-2006 17:26

I've had a few too many nights all jacked up lol... and it's a country song and people say I kind of resemble Gretchen Wilson, so that's me..

sushi kitty
sushi kitty

Sep-17-2006 20:55

i picked my name because i'm a kitty. and i'm made of sushi.

just kidding. i'm actually a kitty. and i like sushi.

i better go before my owner finds out that i'm using the computer. and that i can read.


Sep-18-2006 05:13

I just named mine after my borderline-disturbing obsession with They Might Be Giants by naming my detective after John Linnell, one of the two founding members.

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Sep-18-2006 06:17

sushi kitty - LOL! Love your name, cuz I have a fondness for felines I guess...not so sure about the sushi :( Although my husband (yes, I'm female) sometimes freedives in the Gulf and brings home fresh tuna (mmmm) and tho it sounds gross that's actually quite good "fresh" (or as Gollum would say, raw and wrigglin')
Now to the subject of the thread - my name? It just came to me like a character in a book - I really had no idea about this game when I created my detective, I might actually have chosen a female personna otherwise...
But I love Hawk and wouldn't change him for the world now!

Story Teller

Sep-18-2006 06:32

Least you didn't call yourself Dr. Worm Linnell :D

Elin Devonshire
Elin Devonshire

Nov-21-2006 09:35

I was sent a PM to post here which was odd, but, *shrug* se la vie.

This will be a bit long, bear with me.

My detective name came from an email that had stuff in it like: to find your fly girl/guy name, put together the first letter of your first name and the first two or three letters of your middle name (tho I didn’t like Emar much as a girl’s name). Another was to find your detective name, your first is your fav color and last is your fav animal (I wasn’t crazy about Blue Frog as a name either, although I think it would be a good name for a pub or something). Somewhere in there or because of it, I put together the first letter of my first name and the first three of my mom’s first name and came out with Elin, either that or it was the first two letters of my first name and the first two letters of the name of the town I was born in, which comes out to the same thing oddly enough. When I was signing up for sleuth Elin didn’t seem to be enough, and Devonshire somehow tacked itself on. I have another detective here, whose name is Marie Williams. I was developing my character Elin’s bio (yeah I think in stories too much) and I decided she was going to have an associate. Marie is my middle name and I googled for common US surnames and Williams sounded good. In case you’re interested, Marie’s full name is Marie Suzette Williams (okay, so I think too much period)


Nov-21-2006 18:47

Ahhhh... I love this question....

First ... this isn't my first detective name. It's my 3 or 4th..YEAH, I had to start over a couple of times. The reason I choose my new name is because..... *show girls dance around, music sounding* I was filling out the form and I couldn't think of something unique... then I started laughing and wrote what'syourname...what do you know it WASN'T taken. I laughed the minute I wrote it and I laugh everytime I see it. I know wierd sense of humor. What can I say I live to amuse myself. :)

Mistress Epiphany
Mistress Epiphany

Nov-21-2006 22:26

Mine is easy enough.I'm a lifestyle mistress hench mistress & Epiphany is my modeling first name & I chose it b/c I'm a perceptive goddess (deity)

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