Gentle Rocker "Bo Bice" a real shocker
Apr-28-2005 20:58
America's favorite gentle rocker, Harold "Bo Bice", was arrested in 2001, at age 29, for possession of cocaine, in felony Court, at which time he posted a $1000 bond. When he appeared for his preliminary hearing, the police didn't appear, therefore, the charges were dismissed at that time. Later in 2003, the District Attorney re-filed against him in felony court, but Bo decided to attend a drug diversion program, which was overseen by the DA. I truly hope Bo cleaned up his act and is drug free today. If he is, he deserves to continue in the contest, however, American Idol is stiff on their images and last year asked "Cory", another contestant that had a problem with the law, to leave. I'm wondering if Bo will be asked to leave too????? To me it's not fair to make him leave, or Cory, that is, if they've changed and cleaned up their act. Nobody should be judged by past mistakes and deserves a chance to prove themselves worthy of the title. Anyway, we shall find out.
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Apr-29-2005 07:23
Heh, George W. Bush did coke and he still won his election...
Apr-29-2005 09:29
It is a shame that Bo can not be judged for simply his performance. Bush ability to be president should be judged based on his presidency and not because he once has done coke.
Unless of course, they themselves go around saying they make great role models. Clearly, they do not. Better pick someone who could withstand the pressure of doing drugs.
I don't want the advancement of my carreer to be halted, just because I blazed up a doobie or got drunk over the weekend. I want it to be based as to how I did my job during the week. And as long as I don't lead by ways off "I am your boss, because I am a role model".....it should not matter either way.
In some ways we are all role models, in some ways none of us are.
Apr-29-2005 09:30
Not saying of course that a president should be allowed to do drugs while in office. I mean he does have the finger on the button.
Apr-29-2005 18:24
Why can't people look for the good in others instead of always what they've doing wrong? It's sad to say, but I'm afraid that it will affect the outcome of Bo's votes, and all I can say is shame on them. To me he is a hero for facing his demons and stepping out proudly to show the world what he has to offer. It seems Americans love to see the greatest of Titantics go down with a BIG splash. The bigger the better. Gossip, whether true or false, is just the fuel for them. The News Media, and publishers of magazines are built on nothing but speculation, and rumors, but Americans can't wait to buy this garbage, run home then benge and purge on this junk food. I do realize some folk are guilty as charged, but the rule is "innocent until proven guilty". Like the Ramseys in Boulder, CO, who was accused of killing their daughter by the local police. Americans believed the police and jumped on the band wagon as they sentenced, pronounced, and started marching to the gilotine. Lately it was on the news that they found one of the killers involved, and are tracking the other, so it sure wasn't Ramseys. Americans' have put them through Hell, and I can't imagen what Patsy has sufferred at our hands. I realize when in the public eye one is subject to ridcule, slander and attack, but it doesn't make it right or fair. Famous words published are: "Judge not least ye be judged". I know I've failed throughout my life and learned lessons from those failures and became a better women today. However, there's still those that can't forgive or forget. All I can say is, I'm proud they're not my judge, and thankful there's a higher power who has the final say.
Apr-29-2005 18:36
I wanted to add that my statement is out of love and concern.
Apr-30-2005 14:06
oops: Guillotine. I didn't mean to get carried away. If a Moderator wants to delete my last statement, it won't hurt my feelings. I apologize for going overboard.
May-1-2005 04:35
Nah I see nothing to moderate.
As for mistakes, our mistakes are the only thing that we can truly call our own. Anyone can do things right. Mistakes, make us unique and who we are.
May-1-2005 17:05
Thanks jstkdn, you're so cool and such a sweetheart. I wish there were more people like you in this world. Anyway, I came back to view the boards and let everyone know I might be away a few days, if there's a problem re-installing Windows Xp and taking off this horrible excuse for windows "Windows ME". I chatted with a Microsoft Expert Technician today and he said it couldn't be done, because the partition drive was deleted, however, I have full system recovery CD's and this should restore everything. Anyway, I shall soon find out, whether successful or out of commission a few days, while an expert fixes it for me. Keep your fingers crossed that I can do it myself and save some green backs. Until later.....chio!
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