Congrats to Starsky & Hutch the New number 1 Aagency!
Skyler Michaels
Apr-27-2005 20:16
First off to Black Swan they were wone of the toughest ban best agencies this game has ever seen. They set such a high standard and there were times I wondered if we could actually pass them. They all did such a great job and it is with Pride that we take the batton for Swan. Bella always ran such a class agency.
Now to my Team To everyone who has played or plays in Starsky & Hutch the new number one agency in Sleuth On behalf of myself and Moon I would like to Congradulate you all on a job well done. I am so proud of you guys we worked hard but we also had a lot of fun. You guys rock and are the hardest workers in Sleuth. Don't let it go to your head hahaha we still have goals to accomplish lol. I'd like to thank the following my Mom and dad without this wouldn't be possible lol. ok serious I want to thank the following.
Co Director Man On The Moon
Officer Bryola
Officer Lou Zeffer
Officer Ace Citizen
Officer Blueberry Hill
agent Des Flurane
Agent Alldogship
Agent Olivertwist
Rookie Hatsumi
And the new guy Angel who will be helping us.
I also like to Congradulate Gone but not forgotten agents, who were very instrumental in our success.
Andrew Khoo
M. Zane/ now Mrs. Zane
Sara Scottland
Kit Katz/Neely
Blair Yeany
I hope I didn't leave anyone out you guys all did a great job each and every one of you and you should be very proud of your accomplishments. You also have to listen to my corny jokes lol.
Great job Starsky & Hutch lets kppe up the good work and go after those other goals we have set.
Skyler & Man On The Moon.
Replies |
Apr-27-2005 20:37
Congradulations to Skyler and all at Starsky and Hutch. I know how hard you all had to work to get this done and i am sure the effort is worth it. Now though you get to know what it is like to be the hunted instead of the hunter, there are lots of good young agencies out there just waiting to try to take you down. For today though Congradulations from myself at least as someone who helped a little bit to build Swan to what it was.
Skyler Michaels
Apr-27-2005 20:55
Thanks very much for your kind words Calata. Oh in my previous post I also wanted to thank the Horses in Shanghai. They keep us motivated.
Des Flurane
Apr-27-2005 21:12
Although Skyler has been known to "toot his own horn" (especially when it comes to winning cash on the ponies) he (and Moon) takes far too little credit with respect to the newly acquired position of the number one agency in Sleuth. Although there is no "I" in team there is one in the middle of "win". Without the leadership and guidance of Moon and Sky, this agency would never have been able to advance as far as we have thus far (lots of room to climb). A HUGE thank you from a current member of S&H.
Bella Luna
Apr-27-2005 21:48
Ciao, Congrats Skyler and Moon and to all thoes at Strasky great job every one .
Apr-27-2005 23:22
Congratulations Skyler and everyone in S&H; it's quite a milestone!
Blaise Joshua
Apr-28-2005 03:15
Well done Skyler : o )
Apr-28-2005 03:28
YAAAAAY to all the folks at Starsky!!!!
It is well deserved, and tooting your horn is allowed!!!!!! After all the hard work you guys have done, the number 1 spot should be yours.
You guys made it up there fair and square, and I am doing a happy dance for you and the sleuth community.
Apr-28-2005 05:47
Congrats to everyone at S&H! I hope the celebration lasts for days to come still!! :)
Apr-28-2005 06:37
Congratulations Starsky & Hutch! All of your hard work and dedication has paid off for you in a well-earned #1 spot. Hats off to you!
Skyler Michaels
Apr-28-2005 12:01
Thanks to all for your kind words. Thanks Bella We try to follow your example thanks jstkdn. thanks to everyone.
The party will go on for a couple of days but we'll still be in our offices pluging away after all there are murders to catch lol.