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Surveillance vs hypnotism?
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Apr-23-2005 07:58

I'd like to hear from folks who have the more advanced faction skills - which ones are best value for a detective playing charming. Hypnosis and surveillance both seem like they would help solve the most cases, but I don't know anybody who actually has both. Thanks.


Trusted Informer

Apr-23-2005 15:19

I have hipnotism, it's pretty good if you use it with charm gear and advanced sweet talking, sometimes i talk with 2 suspects and they give me all the other suspects. About surveillance I don't know!
Hope this help you!


Apr-23-2005 17:41

Oooh this is a tough one. Well hypnotism can be used in every game. But surveillance helps in those cases where you have evidence pointing to someone who clammed, it over 50% effective when you have mart clothes on.

So I would say it depends. Does it help you more to save yourself asking a few suspects the motive question. Or does it help you more to have someone who have evidence pointing at them to unclam them.

Personally, I can not say I favour one over the other. I use them both, and I like them both equally. But it is definitely not as cool as something like research.


Apr-23-2005 17:56

I agree this does not belong in newbie.
I apologize to the moderator that moved this. But I think Elsa stands better chances if the more experienced crowd is looking and benefitting from it.


Apr-24-2005 00:31

I agree this is a sleuth talk question.

I also have both skills, and I guess they are both useful in their own ways, as jstkdn says.

Hypnotism works best with charming clothes on, so it can be annoying for a tough character who questions suspects in tough gear. Even then, it sometimes works, and as it is tried automatically and potentially works over and over, it can save questions on the suspects while compiling the suspect lists.

Meanwhile, surveillance works only once per case, IF it works, so it's important to change into smarts gear to try it, as well as waiting until someone clams from whom you /really/ need an answer.

Still, I think I would go for surveillance over hypnotism, as when it works it's GREAT!

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Apr-24-2005 06:45

hypnotism. Surveillane IF is works can get you maybe 3 or 4 questions. Hypnotism (you need be wearing charming equip) will save you those 3 or 4 questions, by making it so you don't have to waste questions finding motive.
Surveilence is cool when it works, but I don't use it on 90% of my cases. Hypnotism helps every case from the start.


Apr-24-2005 11:59

Thanks, everyone. This is very helpful!

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