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Yes another thought
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Apr-19-2005 13:28

Pick Pocketing is kind of a whimpy skill. Since it was little effect on the actual case (only allowing you to get $$ if the client did it), perhaps there would be another way that Pick Pocketing could used for.
1. (this come come up when you first meet the suspect) You see (the suspect's) journal laying on coffee table. As he turns to shut the door, you silently flip through a couple pages. As you glance down, the names (answer to a question)


2. When used with Survielence, since you are watching a suspect, it raises the proability of successfully tracking down the suspect's movements.


Scruffy Outlaw
Scruffy Outlaw

May-5-2005 10:39

That's very helpful, thank you both. P. Rockwell, so glad you decided to post the other full time job doesn't give me the "time" to detect so far back on the threads and play the game too! LOL

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-7-2005 13:29

To find this and other fun triva and facts:

Go to --- City Hall
then to---- Sleuth Community Sites (its near the bottom of the list-hidden but handy)

*ok it was a plug, but it needed to be done :D *


May-7-2005 14:17

I found a problem a while ago with one of the early community sites, that had info for the factions, but had gotten some of the things backwards - like which skills went where. Probably worth checking again, though

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-12-2005 15:35

Hmm...I report after further digging (like a good little detective.)
Try this:
Almost Impossible case
client guilty
pickpocket the reward.

How much did your pocketbook increase.....?

Old Shoe

May-12-2005 23:37

when we were young we found it was handy for one member of the agency to have pick pocketing as we would save cases for them and use money to pay rent etc but now with all the travelling and such and the cash not as important we dont worry about it much except maybe on the real hard levels


May-13-2005 10:30

I think DaRu (forgive me if I credit the wrong source), did the math, and you get $1000. Before Ben tweaked it, the case files showed various amounts in that range ... like $1120... or $980... but you always got $1000 regardless of what it said. Now it just says special, and the confusion is gone.

It wouldn't be hard to double check, though. Just see how much cash you are holding before you accuse and after.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-13-2005 11:03

Right. Anyone actually do those steps yet? I noticed something different, maybe I'm just wrong.


May-13-2005 13:17

Now you have me curious P., what did it do??


May-13-2005 13:58

Yeh, fill us in :D

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-16-2005 06:02

Let's just say I'm pretty sure that when I pickpocketed the cash instead of the actual special reward (pearl handled dagger, ect). I actually got what I think it was worth 'new" and not what I would have got if I had sold it to the detective store.

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