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Apr-3-2005 13:47

i know this is a REALLY REALLY STUPID question (!), but, as i was solving a case, it said that i was falling in love with my client, and at the end he huged me and i even fell for him more than before. what on earth was all that about?!!!!



Apr-4-2005 21:45

Gary Gary Gary, it is nice that you have finally decided to wear that flapper dress around town and pretty yourself up a bit, but how many times do i have to tell you that i prefer real women, not members of the sigfreid follies troupe :)


Apr-5-2005 12:46

Go on, Calalta, admit like that sort of thing. KIDDING! :)

Peter Gunn
Peter Gunn

Apr-5-2005 14:43

The dress ain't bad but yeesh...that expensive perfume is choking me! And next time maybe shave the legs. Remember, hairy legs stuffed into silk stockings is not a turn on.

Lalala...Mrs. Scarlet killed him the darwing room with a fire place poker...lalala....

Ooops wrong song *coughcough*


Apr-6-2005 07:37

Yes, and women in Europe do shave, the stereotype is not true. Just to answer the second most asked question from North-American males.
(The first one is "Is what they say in pulp fiction about Holland true?" which it is)


Apr-6-2005 09:39

What do they say about Holland in Pulp Fiction!?!
And yeuch to the North-American men who had to ask that.


Apr-6-2005 15:04

John Travolta says something like "In Holland they eat their fries with mayonaise, it is legal use drugs, own drugs, just not allowed to traffic it. However, you can not be searched."

Yes we eat our fries with mayo, but our mayo is different here. The drugs stuff holds true for soft drugs (pot, weed etc.), not for hard drugs (cocaine, heroine.) However, for being a hard drug user, it is not considered a criminal problem, but a social problem. Instead of being thrown in to jail, you are offered a detox program. Soft drugs can be sold with a license only, like a liquor license. It is allowed to carry several grams of soft drugs. But not kilo's (then it is for sale, instead personal use.)

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