Mar-7-2005 05:05
Ben ought to be ashamed of himself for his blatant prejudice!!!! The complete lack of representation of bald people in this game is atrocious!!!!! If the prejudice was against women it would not be accepted!!! Therefore i feel i must stage a protest (*he boards a plane, with fellow slapheads, and flies to Ben's home*)
(*upon arrival all of the baldies point their shiny foreheads at Ben's house, blinding the racoon, and starting a small fire*)
(*after several hours the house has burned to the ground and, feeling very pleased with themselves, the protestors leave to buy assorted wigs and toupees*)
Replies |
Madame TBird
Mar-9-2005 16:14
My husband is Bald & I think he is the most handsome thing I've ever seen!
Madame TBird
Mar-10-2005 08:40
I am sure it is same saying we have here in the southern US & yes it is evry true!
Mar-12-2005 07:02
As my hubby is also bald, I have to agree with you on that Tbird. ;)
Sly Spy
Mar-12-2005 12:58
Croesy, just so you will know. This case I am on says you have curly hair. How that is possible remains to be seen. I hope that helps your feelings.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Mar-13-2005 09:54
OK, aside from on Croesy herself, that image now shows up on male suspects, not females.
Mar-14-2005 10:17
hello people :)
umm i don't know whether this is Ben's cruel joke or just sad irony but i now have the barber as contact in new york AND london... oh how this savage world mocks me!!!
Think i might do like Elton John and get myself a "hair transplant". Who am i kidding the opposite sex just can't resist a shiny head!!!
Mar-21-2005 18:57
Ohhhh great so now that I have finally got my brain tricked into recognizing Croesy's pic as female, it changes to male!! *beats head against wall*
Mar-22-2005 05:08
i wouldn't do that Meg, how do you think i got like this in the first place!!!
Sly Spy
Mar-22-2005 09:15
Well, at least you get a discount for a head shine at the barber.
Lady Grey
Mar-22-2005 19:15
Doesn't he get that at the shoemakers?