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Faction Points Question?
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Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Feb-28-2005 22:57

Ok I understand if you go more then a day with out playing your standings with the factions decrease. Thats not the question here it is. Yesterday I played and when I left my faction standing with circle of light was at 11. When I woke up to play this morning my faction standing with Circle of light was at 10. I thought if we went more then a day without playing then our factions points started to slip, not slipping down a point when you play everyday. Shouldn't i still have had an 11 this morning,and not a 10. Why are we pennalized if we don't miis a day?



Mar-2-2005 15:32

Thanks. Didn't know that. Sigh


Mar-2-2005 19:46

Agency team mates can help you switch by saving the appropriate cases for you.

Also with the new set up of 6 cities, you can do your little favor in a new city for a rival faction, and that should drop your standing with the one you want to lose.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Mar-2-2005 23:06

Lower than 10 (and higher than -10) do not automatically reduce. If you want your faction to drop further than that, you need to take cases the faction isn't happy about.


Jun-9-2005 01:27

Okay how about this yesterday I started the day @41 w/ the Triads after I solved last case 4 the day my standing was at 43 with the Triads. Then when the day changed I was dropped all the way to 37 w/ Triads =-6 overnite to me that seems like an excessive drop in standing w/Triads I have never had such a drop is this normal??Has it happened to you or have you lost more than that or is it that the game is picking on me???


Jun-9-2005 02:37

Skyler Michaels this question should be posted in the newbies lounge.......KIDDING!!!!!!

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Jun-10-2005 01:50

Ichiban, once over 40 points, this is normal.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Jun-10-2005 11:35

I was wondering . I've been trying to get into the OS for a while and If i solve a case that is OS-, it puts me at -4 with them. The next day it will be at -3. Its different then posted but hey, Just the facts mamm.


Jun-10-2005 15:42

yeah - i think if your standing is negative then it increases by one point each day until it reaches -2. You have to get it positive by then doing cases! It wont go above -2 on its own though, you just have to work at it! :D

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Jun-11-2005 21:14

No if your standing is at -10, it only changes by doing cases. (Read Ben's post above.)


Jun-13-2005 03:43

Nope, it changed about a month ago. Negative standings will now drop to -3 on their own - very handy if you're looking to learn some of the other faction skills :)

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