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Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jan-30-2005 16:37

Since i've started playing this game, one thing that I noticed is the amount of paper I use to sort out my clues/evidence/witness.
I was about to print some sheets templates for note taking but thought maybe it could be possible to have a notebook in our detective section. You know, it would be a section to go in and jot info and to see all your notes in one section. Then after you are clear with the case, you could clear the notebook and start fresh with another case.
I don't know, just brainstorming, let me know what you guys think.




Jan-30-2005 23:47

I've got a sheet set up with a few nice features. Drop me a line if you want a copy.

Saxon Joshua
Saxon Joshua

Jan-31-2005 01:32

I have an effective system using pen and paper. Even if there was an online notebook, I don't think I'd use it. I don't know if it will be effective on harder levels, but I look old fashioned pen and paper.

Pinball Amateur

Jan-31-2005 02:09

I used to feel the same way, then I started using a spreadsheet, after a couple days I decided to use paper, and I like that so much now that I don't know if I'd use the notebook either. So I'd just wait a few weeks and you'll probably have your own system worked out by then.

Al Campion
Al Campion

Jan-31-2005 06:38

Having a real notebook is part of my sleuth experience. I had a special sleuthing pad for Christmas - how sad is that!! It's great.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Jan-31-2005 07:58

I also use paper and pen. Although using a spreadsheet can probably save some trees, I somehow find it hard to have to click between browser and program.

However, I somehow feel there is a place for a "notebook" feature in this game. It might not function like real notetaking, but could be something that helps with case solving, or keeping records of a detective's personal statistics, etc. Or maybe the new hunts or features coming with the latest upgrade might have need of a "notebook" feature of some sort.


Jan-31-2005 12:31

I think it would be too much trouble to ask an alibi and click to detective to write in notepad. You may as well just click on case and then on the suspect. I am probably responsible for a tree being chopped down with the amount of paper I get through. In my defence, I write in tiny letters.

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Jan-31-2005 16:29

i use an effective feature i use my head don't write anything down just remember it.

Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jan-31-2005 21:52

Thank you all for your input. I've since been playing around spreadsheets and made myself a custom notebook. It works actually well for me.
Have a good evening.


Feb-1-2005 02:46

if you still didnt know... tip: dubble click on suspects name or alibi to copy it to your notes.


Feb-1-2005 05:54

Skyler, it is not nice to brag. ;) Many of us do that too, but it takes a while tp get to that point. :) I used to go through notebooks like crazy!

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