How was your day? The chit-chat thread
Nov-8-2020 07:17
Kind of like the real world equivalent of the long running how was your sleuth day thread. (in the hopes of meeting oldies, new people, everyoneee; all replies welcomed, short and long :))
Hi, I'm Anna. Re-started as a new detective, Marlene, because I love Marlene Dietrich (particularly in Morocco and Shanghai Express). Was Sumia back in the day for a brief stint.
No better time to start again than "Noirvember", the month dedicated to watching film noir. ;) Got a favorite noir film (or ten)? I love me some Bogart films, including the proto-noir The Petrified Forest with Leslie Howard who gave Bogart his film break. Today, I watched Columbia's first The Whistler film in their film series adaptation from the radio show. Short and interesting.
Also, I can't believe 2020 is almost over! What a blessing! In the UK, we're in the second wave mentality. I imagine it's similar in a lot of other places.
Replies |
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard
Nov-11-2020 15:39
I love it, thank you both for the suggestions!! I haven't watched any of them, so I've got a watch list now!
Nov-13-2020 11:18
Let me know if you watch any of them! :)
How's everyone this Friday? I love Fridays because it usually means the weekend and time off. AW YES.
Nov-28-2020 05:22
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving / Black Friday week(end). :) How is everyone?
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard
Dec-7-2020 12:17
omg, just finished the BUSIEST two weeks at work I've ever had. on vacation this week, and SO EXCITED to get back to sleuthing!! hope everyone is well!
M. Lacrimosa
Dec-26-2020 12:56
Y'all it's been so long since I've been on here. I'm glad this is still some what active
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jan-11-2021 13:22
Day was fantastic, as my Sleuth Bestie made an appearance after an absence :D
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard
Jan-11-2021 21:17
ooh yay!
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jan-12-2021 07:17
Yay indeed Shelby!! 😁
M. Lacrimosa
Feb-17-2021 14:09
Just found out I have an enlarged thyroid, so now I'm having blood work done. My anxiety is through the roof
M. Lacrimosa
Feb-17-2021 14:11
So that was my day today lol