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How was your day? The chit-chat thread
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Nov-8-2020 07:17

Kind of like the real world equivalent of the long running how was your sleuth day thread. (in the hopes of meeting oldies, new people, everyoneee; all replies welcomed, short and long :))

Hi, I'm Anna. Re-started as a new detective, Marlene, because I love Marlene Dietrich (particularly in Morocco and Shanghai Express). Was Sumia back in the day for a brief stint.

No better time to start again than "Noirvember", the month dedicated to watching film noir. ;) Got a favorite noir film (or ten)? I love me some Bogart films, including the proto-noir The Petrified Forest with Leslie Howard who gave Bogart his film break. Today, I watched Columbia's first The Whistler film in their film series adaptation from the radio show. Short and interesting.

Also, I can't believe 2020 is almost over! What a blessing! In the UK, we're in the second wave mentality. I imagine it's similar in a lot of other places.



Nov-28-2020 05:22

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving / Black Friday week(end). :) How is everyone?

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Dec-7-2020 12:17

omg, just finished the BUSIEST two weeks at work I've ever had. on vacation this week, and SO EXCITED to get back to sleuthing!! hope everyone is well!

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Dec-26-2020 12:56

Y'all it's been so long since I've been on here. I'm glad this is still some what active

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-11-2021 13:22

Day was fantastic, as my Sleuth Bestie made an appearance after an absence :D

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Jan-11-2021 21:17

ooh yay!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-12-2021 07:17

Yay indeed Shelby!! 😁

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Feb-17-2021 14:09

Just found out I have an enlarged thyroid, so now I'm having blood work done. My anxiety is through the roof

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Feb-17-2021 14:11

So that was my day today lol

Little Joe
Little Joe
Super Steeper

Feb-18-2021 17:46

Sorry to hear that M. Lacrimosa - best wishes to you for good lab results.

My day was a good one, considering I have power and water and am warm. Hoping any Sleuthies in the path of winter storms will stay safe!

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Feb-21-2021 20:16

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that - I wish you the best of luck in your results and management!!

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