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How you doin’? Real world 2020 edition.
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Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Mar-20-2020 18:21

No, honestly, how is everyone?

Over the years I’ve noticed that this game has players from all walks of life and backgrounds around the world. Well, I’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but we all have a little thing going on pretty much everywhere it seems. So I just want to ask, how are you? How’s the family? Work going okay? Are you eating well? (You don’t look like you’re eating well, bless your heart *clicks tongue**sanitizes hands**pinches your cheek*)..

Pull up a chair and lets all catch up.


Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Mar-21-2020 03:15

Yes, Jesse, we all have a "little thing" in common these days. Heads up, my fellow Sleuths, wherever you are! I wish that we come to the last page of our 21st century "Journal of the Plague Year" soon, with a happy ending for each and every one of us.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-21-2020 19:32

I myself have wondered if Sleuth traffic might pick up as people spend more time at home in the coming days, weeks, (I don't even want to say 'months'). I really wish there were someway that everyone could safely quarantine themselves for at least 14 days - a true quarantine - and see if it helped. I have a feeling it would need to be a longer time span though.

Here in the southeastern part of the US, things are just beginning to ramp up in numbers. I hope everyone else here is doing well. How are you doing Jesse?

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Mar-22-2020 08:51

Doing Okay here in Ky, thanks for asking. Our governor has been a voice of calm and reason with daily press conference updates that remind me of Mr Roger’s Neighborhood (he has a YouTube channel). Lots of changes even though we haven’t really been overwhelmed medically. Still working, with overtime available even. My household set up “just in case” procedures and protocols years ago due to the risk of Fentanyl exposure at work and we’ve simply tweaked those (we currently have an 11 month old premie born foster child with underdeveloped lungs so I don’t feel like we’re overreacting).

Unfortunately we had to use those procedures just this morning since I had to respond to a situation that involved both Fentanyl and a sick person who had been told to self-isolate by doctors. I may be kicking around here quite a bit more often for the next couple of weeks.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-23-2020 17:56

Mr. Rogers was a calmly soul, wasn't he. :D

You're not overreacting at all...especially with the little one with the weak lungs.

Here's hoping if you are on a bit more in the coming days/weeks, it's due to preventive measures rather than the alternative!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Apr-2-2020 11:29

Hello loves! It's good to see you all here.. Brings back fond memories!

Harmony Brent
Harmony Brent

Apr-3-2020 06:04

Thanks for sanitizing your hands before pinching my cheek, it's appreciated! Here in the distant land of Brazil, we're playing tug-of-war, with the President wanting people to go back to work and the states pushing back. I've been home since March 09, since everything is closed, and hoping people will take this seriously enough and just stay home, wash their hands and try not to lose their minds.

Good luck for us all! Now go wash your hands!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Apr-4-2020 22:24

Hello LJ! Fond memories indeed. I'm hoping more old friends might join the family reunion soon. :D

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Apr-22-2020 15:51

I'm seeing some more "oldies" pop in. It puts a smile on my face :)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Apr-26-2020 18:26

Got to sit outside on my balcony this morning and get some much needed fresh air AND sunlight. It was 70 degrees at 9am!!! :D

Hey I like to think I took a little field trip.....outside! ;)

Jade Star
Jade Star

Apr-29-2020 15:13

Hi All,

I just rejoined. Working from home now and for the rest of the school year. Sleuthing is a good distraction. We lost a family member on Easter to Covid. Stay safe everyone.

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