Who or what is Neurocam?
Ace Citizen
Jan-21-2005 06:07
For all those budding sleuths out there I need you to answer me a question, who or what is Neurocam? I know this may sound simple, but believe me these people weave a mysterious web.
Replies |
Ace Citizen
Jan-21-2005 15:12
There is a billboard near my home which states;
Jan-21-2005 15:58
that link didn't take me anywhere
Jan-21-2005 20:37
That's weird! I'm scared to try
Wayne Williams Jr.
Jan-21-2005 22:52
So what is it then, for those who do know? Or are you sworn to secrecy once you register? :)
Pinball Amateur
Jan-22-2005 02:39
I for one don't know for sure since I haven't registered, however from what I've seen it would appear that that's the case here Wayne. From what I've been able to gather, the people who register are sworn not to disclose what they are told, however they are allowed to speak of the group vaugely.
Pinball Amateur
Jan-22-2005 02:45
Sorry this post's long - but since you asked...
I don't know for sure what Neurocam is - but suspect it might have something to do with a foreign economy. The reason I suspect this is some of the "mission" aparently have to do with the derlivery of a suitcase. Also, I don't remember where, but I saw something that, if it's real, links Neurocam to a gas and oil company in Africa (however the source is very suspect to me since it's all I've seen refrencing the company.)
Several times I've heard/seen this called a hoax/joke - but I'm not so sure - especially considering the amount of money spent to just advertise the site.
By the way, I did a bit of researching awhile back and found out that the main site is registered to a California address that apparently is not valid - and the main Neurocam site happens to be the only site run on its' server - that means whoever set the site up is at probably at least one of three things: well connected, rich (especially if they also put up the billboards, which probably cost thosands of dollars each - I know of one that probably cost about $10,000), good enough with a computer to write/run such a site without much (or any) help.
That's not much, and I've been wondering the same thing for close to a year now - but if basically any of the things I've heard that seem too rediculous to belive are true, it might be better that we really don't know.
Other than that, all I really know for sure about Neurocam is that it's over a year old, it was incorporated as a company in New Zealand on August 11, 2004. Its original name was Xtreme Chemical Solutions Limited. The company formation was handled by Company Formations Limited (a seemingly legitimate New Zealand business), and the name "Xtreme Chemical Solutions Limited" was changed to "Neurocam Limited" on October 11, 2004.
Ace Citizen
Jan-22-2005 05:32
I'd actually like someone to register to Neurocam so I can find out if it is only limited to Melbourne, Australia. Before you ask, 'Why don't you register yourself'? I have, and have already completed two assignments for Neurocam. I just would like to know if overseas candidates (outside Australia) actually gain operational status.
Jan-22-2005 06:42
This is getting WAY too creepy!!!!!!!
Pinball Amateur
Jan-22-2005 08:47
That question I may well have the answer to - I'm not certain all the information I have is correct, however in what I've read/heard in the past I've not only heard of Neurocam's candidates being given operational staus not only in Australia, but also in the following countries: USA, Japan, and Germany. Also, in my quest to learn what Neurocam is without registering, these are two company titles within the Neurocam organization that I have come across: "Asia-Pacific Quadrant, Neurocam International" and "International Operations Division, Neurocam International". So the likely answer to your question is that this is not confined to any one location.
By the way, the above post I did - nothing's wrong with the last paragraph of it, as the Neurocam operations appear to have begun before the company was started (it appears to have been started as a regional organization of some type, and expanded upon its headquarter growth). Proving that whoever started this, at least then, was likely located in/near Australia, as the first missions were done in and near Melbourne.
Jan-22-2005 08:54
hmmm, no clue, but interesting.