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The Resistance: Holiday Funtime
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Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Nov-17-2017 06:42

Hey everybody. :D How about some Resistance? It doesn't matter whether you're an old hand or just somebody curious about all this "filthy spy" business and thinking about giving it a whirl - all are welcome to play! I won't be able to come up with a background story for this one, but you can throw in some drama if you wish. :D

Links to a few of the previous games for anybody that might be interested:


The game consists of five missions; the Resistance needs 3 successful missions to win, while the spies are looking to sabotage 3. First team to 3 wins.

As soon as we have a final list of players (we need a minimum of 5 players, and a max of 10), I will PM everyone their allegiance (whether they’re a part of the “Resistance” or if they’re a “Spy”) and create a List with the names of all the players in a random order. Spies will also be informed of the identities of the all the other spies.

A "leader" will be chosen from the top of the List for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.



Nov-20-2017 01:22

Sleuth Sindy, I have to admit that your prompt odvious negativity raises a red flag for me. I do not beleive for a second your "blind pass" nonsense.

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Nov-20-2017 02:03

LaSorella, I understand your position, but if you'll go back and look at the last game I played (where I was also Resistance) you'll see that I played the same way.

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Nov-20-2017 02:04

Fatima Blusch a/k/a Sleuth Sindy

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Nov-20-2017 12:13

Riza proposed a team consisting of herself and LaSorella; it has been APPROVED (4-1). The votes:

Riza: YES
LaSorella: YES
Sindy: NO
Sal: YES
Marc: YES

Riza and LaSorella, PM me on whether you vote to have the mission SUCCEED or if you vote to SABOTAGE it (members of the Resistance MUST vote to have the mission SUCCEED, while spies can choose to SUCCEED or SABOTAGE).

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Nov-20-2017 12:52

Mission votes are in.

Mission 1 consisting of Riza and LaSorella was a SUCCESS!

The votes were as follows:


"Where's that List?!" (reminder of player order)


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Nov-20-2017 12:53


LaSorella is the new leader. Please pick a team of THREE people (you may put yourself on the team).

Once LaSorella proposes her team, everybody will vote on whether on not they approve the team proposal by PMing me. If a majority approves it, this team goes on the mission; if not, leadership passes onto Sindy.

Your power (which you can give to anybody, including yourself) is...

OVERHEARD CONVERSATION: Owner of this card may choose to learn the allegiance of the player either above or below them on the List via PM from me. Immediate use.


Nov-20-2017 14:04

It's quiet.....a little too quiet here....makes it hard to test where the true alliaces lay.

I wonder if those misleading spies can resist any future sabotages. *glances below*

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-20-2017 15:45

Sleuth Sindy, your justification of Sal's statement makes me skeptical of your true allegiance

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-20-2017 15:47

Well, not justification, my mistake i had to go back and reread it, but I do fail to see how that's the best way of rooting out spies.

M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-20-2017 15:51

In other words, I'm going to agree with LaSorella for now, but I'm curious to know where she stands to, as quick as she was for outing you, Sindy. Let's see how she plays this out

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