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Rabbit Doubt: Extra Furry Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-21-2017 12:37

Hello all! The newest version of Rabbit Doubt can be found below:

If anyone who wasn't in the last game (or was and hasn't yet PM'ed me about joining) wants to play, please post in this thread. I'll leave signups open until 21:00 server time tonight.

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Spots have been reserved for Sleuth Sindy, shell marple, Sal Iva, LaSorella, Tyranomaster3, miss snopes, Yeti Face, and Zara Bande.

The game will begin at 7:00 server time tomorrow, and all roles will be distributed by then.



Aug-26-2017 16:59

It has been a challenge writing more on this since while my paws are here, my mind is on holiday from which I just returned.

I still need to retrace the conversation to make sense of all a see. But I can tell you that nothing abnormal is going on with me. I am as a true bunny as I shall ever be. As some say...wysiwyg

Soy Lamisma
Soy Lamisma
Pinball Pro

Aug-26-2017 18:47

I will vote, as I will because I know What
/Who originally put my fellow comrades against me was so off course.


Soy Lamisma
Soy Lamisma
Pinball Pro

Aug-26-2017 18:48

Uff again...sorry. I am the same: LaSorella

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-26-2017 19:31

Goodnight my fellow bunnies, I have enjoyed my time here. But I am sure come sunrise I will no longer be with you.

Wishes she had extra extra tough hide.

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-26-2017 21:14

Reminder: The night phase has now begun. Communication on this thread is forbidden until 7:00 server time tomorrow morning.

Anyone wishing to use their night ability must PM me with the name of their target before 6:00 server time.


After having spent days worrying about what they should do, the rabbits finally made a decision and took matters into their own hands. LaSorella was accused of being a wolf, and by majority vote, the group decided to hang her. One end of a rope was tied around her neck, the other half tied to the branch of a tall tree. The setup had been constructed with great difficulty.

One rabbit stood behind LaSorella and kicked her off the branch she was perched upon. Her body fell and the rope grew taut as her weight pulled down against it. For a few moments she struggled, flailing about every which way. But then she grew still, and did not move again. Many rabbits had turned their heads away, unable to watch. After it was certain she was dead, they began to make their way back to their burrows, one by one. This would be a long night.

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-27-2017 07:27

Heartened by the lack of morning deaths yesterday and the possibility that they had hanged a wolf last night, the rabbits awoke with an extra bounce in their steps and scurried off to their meeting place. Their moods dampened considerably upon noticing that they were missing someone: shell. Though they waited a while longer, hoping that maybe she had just overslept, she did not show up.

The rabbits reluctantly made their way to shell's burrow. But they did not see her outside. They had just begun sniffing around the entrance when a dash of red on a grass blade caught one rabbit's attention. Following a trail of increasing red to an area not far away, they found shell's body. She lay unmoving on the ground, pieces of her flesh sprinkled around the area. Her eyes had been gouged out and the holes were leaking a viscous white fluid. The rabbits stared in absolute horror, unable to move. Oh no. Oh no.


The day phase has now begun. Communication on this thread is now open until 20:00 server time. During this time, players may share what they have learned during the night, if they so wish. Additionally, each player *MUST* cast a vote before the day's end. To vote for another player to be hanged, use "VOTE: Player Name" (and "UNVOTE: Player Name" if you change your mind). To abstain, use "NO VOTE."

(Yeti Face would like me to tell you he is traveling at the moment but will return later in the "day" to join in the conversation.)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-27-2017 09:19

Well, I am now convinced that we must have lost our protector either in Ty or in Sal or they would have tried to protect shell last night. Maybe it was Sal who was the protector and the way he wrote I DID might have been a hint that he tried to protect someone but didn't get any leads from that.

So our possible ratios starting out today are:

4 rabbits/1 wolf or burrower
3 rabbits/1 wolf/1 burrower

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-27-2017 10:36

Well, I suppose shell’s departure was hardly a surprise after the *reveal* of the TH role.

And I think you’re correct in your supposition, missy. The Protector was most probably one of Sal or Ty. There is a possibility it is Red - but he wasn’t around yesterday to use it. Also - he wanted to kill shell, remember? That was bizarre.

Actually, Red didn’t vote yesterday - and that’s his second time for not voting. Doesn’t that make him dead by default? I hope that The Announcer is around to clarify on that. We need to know if there are 5 of us left - or just 4.

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-27-2017 11:00

A couple people have PM'ed me to suggest two missed votes total for death is too harsh, as life can get in the way sometimes. So let's go with two consecutive missed votes for death.

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-27-2017 11:19

Thanks for that clarification, Mr Announcer. So now we are five. The question is - have we already hit one of the wolves or not?

As miss snopes has already pointed out, today we are either -

4 rabbits/1 wolf or burrower 
3 rabbits/1 wolf/1 burrower 

I know I’m a normal rabbit. I trusted in Yeti’s role of Super Sniffer yesterday and chose to vote for hanging LaSorella. He may yet be lying, of course. LaSorella may have been innocent. Of the remaining three (Kathryn, miss snopes, Red) I’m not getting anywhere. I hope that the ‘silent’ players will post here today. With very little to go on we need to talk to each other.

At present I feel very iffy about hanging anyone today. I will probably be a ‘no vote’ later.

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