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Rabbit Doubt: Extra Furry Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-21-2017 12:37

Hello all! The newest version of Rabbit Doubt can be found below:

If anyone who wasn't in the last game (or was and hasn't yet PM'ed me about joining) wants to play, please post in this thread. I'll leave signups open until 21:00 server time tonight.

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Spots have been reserved for Sleuth Sindy, shell marple, Sal Iva, LaSorella, Tyranomaster3, miss snopes, Yeti Face, and Zara Bande.

The game will begin at 7:00 server time tomorrow, and all roles will be distributed by then.



Aug-25-2017 08:28

Poor Sindy, I am truly sad for all this and want the real wolf to be found. But I didn't do this, I promise.

I even had nightmares for a misspelled word in my last comment before going to sleep. I would instead of I wouldn't.

Yeti, your conclusions are misleading, too suspecious I would say.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-25-2017 08:32

Okay, if my conclusions are misleading why were you in Sindy's burrow?

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-25-2017 10:01

One thing I know for sure is once someone comes out and states their bunny role in this game, they either are telling the truth or are a wolf. It would be counter productive for a bunny to say they are one thing, but actually be another type of bunny. For instance, if I stated I were the Protective Big Sister, when in reality I was just a normal bunny, the real protective bunny ( if still in the game) would have to conclude I was a wolf. Then they would campaign for my hanging.

So following this logic, Yeti is either the Super Sniffer or a wolf. I want to believe you Yeti.

At this time we have 7 alive
2 wolves/5 bunnies
If we hang LaSorella today when night falls we could have
1 wolves/5 bunnies (LaSorella a wolf)
2 wolves/4 bunnies ( LS a regular bunny, picky eater, etc)
Now if LaSorella is the Picky Eater she won't be able to be converted because she will be gone. But if she is some other bunny role, then tonight the wolves will Target one more bunny. The best we can hope for is that they get someone who is protected or the thick hide. But the odds of them finding the picky eater has just greatly increased.
So in the morning we can find
2 wolves/4 bunnies
2 Wolves/ 3 bunnies
3 wolves/3 bunnies game over.

So I'm still mulling things over.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-25-2017 10:11

Obviously I'm bias against any 2 wolf suggestion that includes me! The way I see it if we hang LaSorella the future will be either:

a) 1 wolf/5 bunnies
b) 1 wolf/4 bunnies
c) 2 wolves/4 bunnies

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-25-2017 10:13

Red you wanted to hang shell over nothing, NOW you're interested in certified evidence?

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-25-2017 10:17

Oh ignore my post shell, I've gotten my bunny numbers confused. Your analysis is spot on.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-25-2017 10:24

Uggh. No. I've confused myself AGAIN. It's the way the start of your post talks about nightfall and lists all the scenarios, then only talks about the worst ones for the following day. Let's put them all in one place. If we hang LaSorella (or anyone really) then tomorrow either:

a) 1 wolf/5 bunnies
b) 1 wolf/4 bunnies
c) 2 wolves/4 bunnies
d) 2 wolves/ 3 bunnies
e) 3 wolves/3 bunnies

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-25-2017 10:27

Oh no, poor Sindy. I guess we had to expect this sooner rather than later though. Ever since it became clear that she was very probably the Big Ears rabbit, the wolves were bound to target her. I did wonder why our Protective rabbit didn’t watch over her last night but maybe (1) s/he did so the night before or (2) has already been killed.

As for Yeti’s claim - I’m in two minds about it.

If Yeti is the Super Sniffer he therefore *did* see LaSorella in Sindy’s burrow last night. Why might she be there if not a wolf? Big Ears? Nope, that was almost certainly Sindy. Protective sister? No again - because it didn’t work, did it? I can’t see any other reason for her prowling around Sindy’s burrow other than she is a wolf.

The question is: to believe or not to believe?

Btw thanks for the clarification shell - I was forgetting that the roles of Picky Eater and Thick Hide are only useful if rabbits are targeted by the wolves. No protecting against hanging.

More to say i(n separate post).

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-25-2017 10:29

Here's the one thing that bothers me Yeti. You should be dead if you are not a wolf.
As a wolf I probably would have targeted you the first night. Even if I hadn't, I would have tried on night 2, because as a wolf I would assume Sindy would be protected and you sir are a large threat to the success of the wolf's no matter what bunny role you would have. So instead of Sal I would have targeted you. I think Sal was targeted because he made it too obvious that he was the Super Sniffer a role that you now have stepped into. Since Sindy saw you awake the first night I'm sure Sal was all set to follow you the second night.
I'm sorry Yeti, but I think you are the regular wolf.


miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-25-2017 10:37

Shell, in the last game we played you were a wolf yet you didn't kill Yeti on night one, two or three. I'm not saying he isn't a wolf but to say you know he is because he hasn't been killed makes no sense!

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