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Rabbit Doubt
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-13-2017 19:29

Greetings, all! For a change of pace, I'm happy to announce a new game called Rabbit Doubt (idea courtesy of Tyranomaster3). This is a game which requires careful strategy (and a bit of luck) to secure victory for your team. The gameplay will be accompanied by narrative portions to increase the immersion of the experience. All of the details can be found at the link below:

If you are interested in playing, please post in this thread. I'll leave sign-ups open for 48-ish hours to see how many players we get. Of course, it's always more fun with more people. Then the game will begin! :D

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

As requested, spots have been reserved in advance for miss snopes, Sleuth Sindy, and Sal Iva.


miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-21-2017 09:33

So did you try to kill me last night?

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-21-2017 09:37

What do you think?

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-21-2017 09:40


Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-21-2017 09:48

And remember, Yeti - we're camping deep in the forest. :P

Stellar job, Shell!

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-21-2017 09:51

LOL, Thanks Sindy, but I'm not sure how well it will serve me. I think I might have just painted myself into a Yeti corner.

Sal Iva
Sal Iva
Little Monster

Aug-21-2017 10:13

Well, I was the Vigilant, Yeti. I hope I'm not the next time.


Aug-21-2017 10:47

Yeah, you got me right that time Yeti. I was the opportunist!!

This was a good way for me to get an idea of how this games are played. Thanks sorry setting this up! :)

No hard feeling Yeti, right? :P

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-21-2017 11:03

No hard feelings at all. You filthy opportunist. ;-)

I'm honoured you felt I was worth keeping alive as a challenge! I certainly wasn't expecting that.

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-21-2017 11:24

Such a pity you had to end the game early, dear rabbits : / But I'm also not surprised at something going amiss on this first run of the game. I found it to be fairly complicated. In fact, I thought at one point that The Announcer might have killed me off at the start simply because of all the questions I had pre-game! Loved the storyline btw - great work Ty and Riza : )

I'm very impressed at how much Yeti managed to work out. Yes, I was an Observer.

No need for any recompense so I'll reimburse Ty *tout de suite* : )

But may I know who killed me? My head still hurts ....

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-21-2017 11:29

Sindy and shell killed you, Zara. It was a team effort. They took a great deal of joy in it.

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