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Furore Bug Fixes and Adjustments
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-1-2017 05:48

A number of bug fixes and adjustments have been popped into the game today with relation to the Boardwalk content.

Significant bug fixes:

* Players who have had problems with Furores kicking them out instead of letting them start should no longer have this problem.

* The Mirror Clues should be displayed properly on the case page.

Significant adjustments:

* There'll now be eight Furores a day, but players are limited to two tickets.

* There's a Furore schedule in the City Hall, so they can be viewed anywhere except Shangri-La.

* An accessory can now be stored almost entirely without complaint with Jonny the cotton candy seller.

* After 40 minutes the Hall of Mirrors will become significantly easier to solve.

* Any players engaging in espionage will now find there's a delay between uses.

* Clues will immediately re-drop after a player finishes the Furore.

* The 'community clue' locations, i.e. the helter skelter, cinema and telescope will potentially change clues with a clue drop, making them worth revisiting.

* It's now only possible to gain one clue at a time from the roller coaster (though you will still have up to three chances to get that one clue).

* If you're the last player standing the big wheel and roller coaster queues will disappear.

* A badly written Furore read me has appeared.

* Furore ticket offers can be turned off from the Options menu on the Detective Page.

As ever please let me know if you spot any bugs/typos. There's good odds I'll be hanging out in chat whilst Furores are going on for the near future, so feel free to drop in there if there's any problems. Happy Sleuthing.


Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-4-2017 08:38

It might be a cotton candy issue on the helter skelter then, since so many people are mentioning having it when they get kicked off. That helps narrow down what's going on.

Was that a repeated problem with the pinball machine, shell?

BadAss, a pet is for life not just for.. No I'm joking. There is upkeep on the pet, but you don't have to use rings on it; there is a straight up cash option. No one's hit that point yet though, if the pets are looked after they're quite hardy.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Jun-4-2017 10:22

During that match it happened everytime I tried the pinball machine. The following furore, I had no problem. Same with the one I just finished.
I wonder if two or more people trying to pull the lever at the same time could cause that. Because the page would freeze when I pulled the lever, making me repeatedly clicking to have something happen. So basically I'm wondering if I got stuck in an incomplete action, so everytime I tried i couldn't do anything at the pinball machine.
Am I remotely making sense?

Blanche de Beaumont
Blanche de Beaumont
Con Artist

Jun-5-2017 11:35

This was a very frustrating furore. The helter skelter acted up again and booted me back to the login page. I didn’t bother to try it a second time, once was enough. I did manage to remember to check if the Sleuth Mail icon was there and it was. The worst part was waiting around for my final clue. Everyone had finished so I thought that the clue would show up fairly quickly but it took at least 30 minutes for it to drop. The rides said that the clues had been redistributed but none offered new one ones. Then both the roller coaster and the big wheel said there were no canisters available. I finally got the clue with the mirrors. One good thing about the waiting part, I found the time to vacuum my living room. :-D

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-5-2017 18:04

shell, with multiple clicks it'll send multiple requests to the game. It's only your first click that'll go through, the other ones will think you're trying to trick the pin ball machine (it doesn't like being tricked!) Effectively it should still be scoring you and giving you a clue if you win one, it's just not high enough.

Thank you for keeping an eye out for that SMail icon Blanche, that's very helpful. As for your missing clue, the Mirror clues always stay in the hall of mirrors. They just restock there during redistribution, they don't go out and about to the other locations. After 40 minutes they'll be easier to find, but that's it. So if you're ever missing a mirror clue at the end again, you know where to go.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jun-6-2017 00:35

I'd like to be able to buy a banana peel to drop on the boardwalk to trip up my competitors. :p

Theodora X
Theodora X

Jun-6-2017 00:55

That idea is brilliant and definitely deserves a coconut. So we need a banana stall and a coconut shy. Possible update?


Jun-6-2017 15:14

To be up to date with reality we should also be able to use explosives and blast rides.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jun-7-2017 10:10

When I got kicked out riding the Helter Skelter as the last player the roller coaster and big wheel were out of clues as well. I wasn't sure if they were supposed to drop again then so I didn't think about it.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jun-8-2017 10:47

Yeti, while you're fixing all these things, do you think you can work some magic on my computer since it happened to crash during a Furore?

Never hurts to ask. ;)

Miranda Tempest
Miranda Tempest

Jun-24-2017 15:52

Not sure if this is a bug or not. During the 15:30 furore today, I was at 19/20 clues and tried a steal for the one remaining clue I needed. Bought some candy, the youths took it, and I selected the one person who had this clue - but nothing. Is it sometimes meant to happen that we don't get the clue even if it is available for a steal?

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