Totally Random Sleuth Facts
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jan-24-2017 02:09
I've been awake since 2:00 this morning, and with nothing better to do I've been digging around Sleuth. One of the things I noticed on the Game Information page is the game stats. As of this moment, the number of games played is 6,291,995.
Number of games quit: 430,999
Number of False Accusations: 665,479
More than 10% of all cases result in a False Accusation. (I guess there are more gamblers here at Sleuth than I thought.)
Approximately 6% of all cases are quit.
More cases result in False Accusations than in a player quitting.
Now, math is not my strong suit so if my deductions here are incorrect, please feel free to point out my inaccuracies.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jan-30-2017 08:23
I believe an agency will remain as long as the rent is being paid. Endeavour Investigations "existed" years after we left closed shop and we left a few mil. in the safe.
Jan-31-2017 06:09
An agency will not automatically dissolve now as long as there is at least 1 director on board. You do however have to pay rent for a certain amount of days to re-activate that agency.
Jan-31-2017 09:49
http://i.giphy.com/2oAiH05exoh3O.gif - after reading all these facts, I feel like this ;)
Con Artist
Feb-1-2017 01:47
Sophie, that's how it is *now*. But it hasn't always been that way.
Safety Officer
Feb-9-2017 15:50
Sindy, I think your make-up needs a quick refresh there!
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Feb-9-2017 18:01
That's one of my dogs - Tooque (the incorrigible one). Just wanted to show everyone how lovely he is. My coach will turn back into a pumpkin tomorrow Mr. Smarty Pants. :P
Daenerys Targaryen
Feb-10-2017 01:33
Don't listen to him, Sindy, you look absolutely beautiful. After all, wasn't Inspector Rex the handsomest, not to say the cleverest detective of all time? :D
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Feb-10-2017 10:01
Thank you, Daenerys! :)
Con Artist
Feb-11-2017 02:33
Squirrel, be careful, or she may chase you up a tree and bark, I mean yell, at you
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Feb-11-2017 09:10
Good one Autumn! :D