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Sleuthville 2016 Holiday Writing Competition
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Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Dec-20-2016 15:32

With the holidays quickly approaching and the weather getting colder, I’d like to invite you all to participate in something that doesn’t require you to get out of bed or wear pants. :) It’s been a while since we’ve had one of these, so I’m happy to announce the Sleuthville 2016 Holiday Writing Competition! Everyone, either subbed or unsubbed, is welcome to participate.

The format will be a narrative poem. Narrative poems usually tell stories, have a strong sense of characters and narration, and have plots that go from beginning--> middle--> end. They do not have to rhyme, but you are certainly welcome to make your poem rhyme if you want to.

Poems MUST:
1) Have a December holiday theme (you can write about a specific holiday, the holiday season in general, etc.)
2) Take place in the Noir world and time period.

1) Poems have a strict 1-post limit (~2000 characters). Less is fine, but any bits that go over will not be counted as part of the entry.
2) You may submit as many poems as you like.
3) All poems must have a title.
4) Entries will be looked at by a panel of 4 judges, myself included. They will be evaluated on creativity, flow, accordance with the theme, and spelling/grammar.
5) All entries must be submitted between now and 23:59 SST on January 3, 2017. Judging will begin on January 4th and hopefully conclude within that week.

The 1st place winner will receive $100,000 and custom item prize! Ooh, aah.
The second place winner will receive $50,000.
The third place winner will receive $25,000.

Furthermore, all participants will have their entries featured in a new in-game book, so they can be forever immortalized! The book will then be hidden somewhere in Sleuthville so you can all search for it.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message. Most importantly of all, make sure to have fun! :D


Sparky Doggeral
Sparky Doggeral
Trick or Treater

Jan-28-2017 07:29

“Sparky,” it read, “don’t break a tooth!
Baked into this batter
You’ll find hidden just what you need
To make your paycheck fatter.
I sleuthed it back from Fingers Lil
Merry Christmas! Later!
Cathy Rose” ... the bracelet from The Crown
Was there baked inside the batter!

“What a Sleuth!” I cried out, lifting my cup,
“What a dame! Oh, what a pal!”
And Alley and me we ate steak and eggs,
Dining happily and well!

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