Free to Play 2016 / 17
Safety Officer
Dec-20-2016 01:10
Free to Play is LIVE!
And, so far so good... well done Ben and Yeti!
This is mostly just a big thank you to the whole player community, but if it convinces a few fence sitters to become paying members later, that's even better.
A few details:
* Un-subscribed players will be able to travel to travel to London, Shanghai and Delhi
* If they are able to complete the in-game requirements, they will also be able to visit Shangri-La and Cairo
* Un-subscribed players will get 6 daily cases. You also have access to all the Scripted Mysteries (as long as you meet the EXP requirements).
* You will still need to subscribe if you want to join a detective agency.
* As Yeti has said in the other thread, holiday costumes are LIVE! Mmmm red and shiny just like bloo... err Christmas! Not only are they uber statted for the F2P period they also have the travel kit bonus applied. Time to start trying for that one day VH!
Also, for our wonderful paying subscribers: Everybody with a current subscription on 12/20 will get a full month added to their subscription for free.
If I've forgotten anything I'm sure Yeti will chip in.
Squirrel Out!
Replies |
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Dec-20-2016 11:29
I needed to renew my subscroption a few days ago, i have just renewed now, so i am assuming i will lose out as my current sub is now showing to expire on 20 january
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Dec-20-2016 11:30
And before any one asks why i would pay to subscribe shen its free for a month, i hate the banner ads and i want all my 12 cases.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Dec-20-2016 12:42
Yeah sorry Ellie, you had to have a subscription before the server change last night to benefit from the subscription extension.
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Dec-21-2016 10:22
Dam thats a shame especially for a regular player amd subscriber, especially now the exchange rates have worsened
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Dec-22-2016 07:34
Dec-22-2016 12:43
That damned Brexit!