Bug and Typo Fixes
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-15-2016 16:11
We've deployed something of a bug bashing update. One should no longer get those weird cases that lock down one's contacts despite not getting the nemesis twist (this tended to be particularly apparent on the ship). In addition all cities should now, finally, have the same chance of pulling a nemesis twist so there's no need to be stuck in Cairo unless you like it that way.
The way that taking multiple items out of an agency locker is handled by the game itself has been changed, I hope the locker ghost that haunts taking out multiple items at once has at least been somewhat subdued - please let me know if that one strikes again. I haven't done anything about the apartment locker ghost, so that remains at large and dangerous.
Finally a bunch of typos have been corrected, spotting these is probably a job for Riza Hawkeye and Bela Talbot as it tended to be their diligent work that alerted me to the typos in the first place. If you do spot any bugs or typos please do make a report, as I do get around to them eventually.
Replies |
Sep-16-2016 04:50
Thanks Yeti :)
Hopefully, I can now move on with that bribe twist... if it'll show up tomorrow :)
Sep-16-2016 08:18
I keep getting the same twist during my VH. I mean, twice or three times in the same case. And even twice in a row - aka I move to dismiss it and it appears again. I have also seen a text where there was (villain name) in brackets, where the system did not add the assigned name there. Didnt get a chance to screenshot it though.
Sep-16-2016 08:19
Oh, Oh. I forgot. And when I try to rule out suspects in the case it failed and gave me a twist. Tried again, saw the twist again and the suspects werent ruled out just yet.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-16-2016 08:34
Sorry Devi, I found out that one too late to fix it! Ben's told me he should have a chance to deploy my bug fixes for my bug fixes on Saturday, but until then anyone on an AVH is going to be getting a lot of twists. Pity Riza!
You've reminded me about twists getting in the way of ruling suspects out though, I'm going to add that to the bug fixes now.
Sep-16-2016 12:09
Im currently in the middle of a favour case in shanghai and my contact the calligraphist has clammed up on me?
Sep-16-2016 12:10
Ok reason for above is that i got the urchin on an IH favor case
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-16-2016 12:52
Why are Nemesis twists so devious?!
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Sep-16-2016 12:55
Feel free ti not fix this one :D
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-16-2016 13:00
When did you start your favour, Dreamcatcher?
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Sep-16-2016 13:01
12.09 the time i posted the first message