Sleuth Olympics
Pinball Amateur
Jun-27-2016 17:56
In just under six weeks, the 31st Summer Olympics and the 15th Paralympics will occur in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from over 190 countries around the world will gather to compete in some 35 different overall sports over a period of about 3 weeks.
Many people have commented recently that they would like to see some more activities taking place here on Sleuth. A few of us creatively evil types were wondering if we put together a series of activities for people, would y'all be interested??
We are looking for at least 8-12 people, of all experience levels; both hunters (treasure, casework, and Arch Villain) and writers will be needed. People will be competing in a team format. We're probably looking at Subbed players for now, but we're working on having at least two activities (not necessarily part of the teams, but supplemental to them) that will be exclusive to UNSUBBED players. All of these activities will have an Olympics theme.
So. Any takers?? ;-)
Please let us know below.
Thank you!!
Replies |
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Sep-3-2016 14:27
Hey, too bad you aren't playin Ambidex, Autumn! I was sad to hear you chose to drop out.
Real McCoy
Sep-3-2016 15:09
Don't cry Molly. Those tears will turn into icicles :)
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Sep-3-2016 15:50
Oh nonsense, that's only a defense mechanism against unpleasant bull hockey. :) you wouldn't know any purveyors of unpleasant bull hockey, wouldja?
Real McCoy
Sep-3-2016 16:35
It would help to know first what bull hockey is :)
luc pfeiffer
Sep-3-2016 23:50
Thank you to all the judges and behind-the-scenes people. I had a great time playing with my team members and really enjoyed most of the whole experience. My congratulations to my team members; we almost pulled it off at the end. To a fabulous writer, Ms Sleuth Sindy, I doff my cap; I wish i could put a wreath of laurel on yours. To Ms. Helen, Code Red007, Keira Ann, Bonanza Jellybean, you are great competitors and it was not easy to surpass you. To anyone who would like to come view the boards etc. at Race, please pm me and i will be more than happy to extend you an invite. Thanks again to all Competitors and Judges! Laura
luc pfeiffer
Sep-3-2016 23:54
Per Breitkat, anyone who needs a stand-in director because you need to deliver equipment to your old agency or you want to look at another agency, please pm Wish on a Star. We have two directors to lend out. L
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Sep-4-2016 02:00
To all of you talking about "next year," may I just say that the Olympics are only held every *four* years! Well, every two years if you consider the summer Olympics and winter Olympics.
Perhaps we could have a summer and winter Olympics? With one concentrating more on the role playing/writing aspect and the other concentrating more on the treasure hunts, arch villain hunts and scavenger hunt type activities.
While it's probably safe to assume that everyone who plays Sleuth likes to play Sleuth, I don't think that everyone who plays Sleuth enjoys role playing and writing. So maybe the two could be separate events with both activities included in each Olympic season, but with more of an emphasis on one particular type.
Just thinking out loud...
Sep-4-2016 08:02
It amuses me to see that most participants are still in their Olympic agency :) Yes, myself included.
Con Artist
Sep-5-2016 03:19
I really like Sindys idea. Plus, the change emphasis would allow players to better know what they're getting into and choose whether to play or not.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Sep-5-2016 09:17
Sindy, I looove this idea, it's a great way to include everything Sleuth related without it becoming overwhelming :)