Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2016
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
May-4-2016 13:00
Greetings, all! This year's tourney post turned out to be a little (okay, a lot) longer than I expected, so please follow this link to see all the information:
Then come back here for all your sign-ups, trash talk, updates, and other miscellaneous tourney needs. :)
Replies |
Mortimer Maze
Old Shoe
Jun-13-2016 22:14
let's cheer Breit, not to flunk this one also... last city, will be a disaster for her and will mark her for life, especially as she is a growing child here and her emotional self should not be hit that hard.
We are with you in your 5th endeavour Breit! :)
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Jun-13-2016 23:04
Mortimer, I'm sure Breitkat will finish on Tuesday. But it appears Kathryn went through Cairo as well, so she did end up winning the match up. All I know is I would have thrown the towel in after my second failed attempt, because no way would I have gotten as close to tying the match as Breitkat has.
Good luck to everyone moving on in the tourney.
* Crosses fingers I don't have to face Yeti or Bella or god forbid both of them this round*
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-13-2016 23:44
Maybe we'll destroy each other, Sultry. I've been waiting a couple of years to get a match up with Bela.
Jun-14-2016 05:54
Congratulations to everyone who has managed to get into the next round. I'm looking forward to how the ties get settled :) - still rooting for Miss De Mon!
The Announcer
Jun-14-2016 06:46
Round 2 Matchups:
1. DevilishWings vs. Sultry De Mon vs. YetiFace
2. Bonanza Jellybean vs. Morimer Maze
3. Verali vs. Bela Talbot III
4. Sal Iva vs. Keira Ann vs. Kathrun Gumshoe the 7th
Good luck everyone!
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-14-2016 09:25
Sorry Devi, you're gonna be collateral damage.
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Jun-14-2016 10:03
Oh, if I must suffer waiting around for you to finish this match, so be it.
Hope you're wearing your superhero underoos, I have a feeling you'll be needing all the help you can get.
Real McCoy
Jun-14-2016 10:34
Heheh, she's got quite the mouth this Sultry :)
Jun-14-2016 10:35
Oh Yeti, dear, you're going down.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-14-2016 11:25
I know I'm shooting myself in the foot by telling you this Sultry, but you don't actually have to wait for me to finish my hunt before you start yours; we are in fact meant to start on the same day. Not that it'll make much difference when you start since you're gonna lose. You may as well just not start a hunt tomorrow.
It's cute that you think that, Devi. Very endearing.