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Offensive Character Names
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Old Shoe

Jan-12-2005 13:49

Is there any way to have character names reviewed before approval? I saw one today that I actually had to look twice at- there seem to be a rash of crude, vulgar, and offensive names lately and I know it would mean hard work for Ben, but maybe we could have some Mods do it? I would volunteer, if it would mean that I don't have to see names that my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap for saying (and still probably would!)


Sly Spy
Sly Spy

Jan-19-2005 06:18

How about a person with a vulgar name, that PMd me that he was gay. Then, went on with obscenities that really grossed me out. This is crossing a line & is very uncalled for. I did not solicit this person he sought me out. It is obvious the character was created solely to harrass innocent bystanders. This incident almost kept from wanting to play again.


Jan-19-2005 15:29

if i were u, press the ignore button for guys like that. its better than quitting or turning ur pop up blocker on.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-19-2005 16:05

I'm not sure if there is a systematic way of dealing with the issue. In my experience, automatic name filters don't lower the occurance of obscene names, they just encourage creative spelling.

I'm not against the idea of allowing moderators to boot players for having inappropriate names, but it might be tricky to do it in a fair way.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Jan-19-2005 22:08

I agree it might get tricky. Booting is a big issue, like banning, so probably should be left to a non-player administrator like Admin or Sunny.

Old Shoe

Jan-20-2005 06:39

I don't even think that booting would necessarily be needed, maybe just someone with authority, i.e. Ben, PMing someone and asking them to change their name. Actually, I don't think people should be BOOTED for their names at all- that seems a bit excessive.

Madame TBird
Madame TBird

Jan-20-2005 07:19

I see Ben's point that it can get into a situation of banning/booting anything that is questionable.


Jan-20-2005 10:33

Or as Ben has so much to do just improving the game, if a moderator sees an offensive name, could they pm the offender mentioning the fact they are a moderator, the fact the name is offensive and why it is and could they please change it. If this fails, they could contact a second moderator to do the same and if this fails then in agreement 2 moderators could boot them. This would ensure that it wasn't one moderator being unjust (not that you ever are, lol) that the player is aware of the offensiveness of the name and it wasn't a genuine culture difference and has had fair warning.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-20-2005 10:42

Well, currently, there's no way for a detective to change their own name, I suppose if they were brand new, they might take the suggestion well.


Jan-20-2005 10:59

A good way to persuade people is to mention that some detective names are removed, and they are carrying one that possible falls under that catagory. When your detective is removed, you loose all your hard work in money and skill points.

Anyone could say this. Also a non-moderator. If that doesn't work, or someone is not comfortable with saying something...then go to a moderator if Ben is not online. I would do it if I had to, but sending a message containing the words "As moderator of this site...." would feel strange to me. Not like it is a promotion, more like a confirmation you spend too much time on these boards. :)

However, offensive names, *may* also be key indicators of offensive detectives on the message board. So definitely something that should be watched.

But we should be prepared for grey areas. This is why, I'd feel more comfortable to have removal to be up to Ben and Sunny, not the moderators (as I mentioned in a previous post in this thread.) Even if Ben is not online, we can deal with an offensive detective name for a bit. If they post offensive messages too then the moderators click their buttons.

I would be handy if anyone saw an offensive detective name, or offensive alert someone. See city hall/agency info, all the moderators are listed there.


Jan-20-2005 11:01

I mean game info. :)

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