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useless features
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Jan-12-2005 07:14


Regards the "pick locking", there are two useless features

1/ when you pick the lock of the "client" and obtain name of suspects that we already have from the introduction !

2/ when you pick the lock of a suspect which has no alibi, why is it still possible to ask to him whether he has an alibi ?



Jan-14-2005 07:41

Sorry if my comment was not well explained. It did not mean that the feature "lock picking" is useless, I said that I don't understand what is the purpose of using the "lock picking" on our client to find the same list of suspects that we already have (given in the introdcution of the case). I do agree with your arguments.

Moreover, I do prefer to use my brain but I pointed out a contradiction : in almost every case, once a information is obtained, you cannot ask it once again but in some cases, we can ask again a question (case of a suspect which has no alibi).

Let me finally say that I really think about the opportunity to suscribe to play the featured mysteries. This game is definitvely fine !


Jan-15-2005 01:35

i agree with u on ur new points. was wondering the same.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Jan-15-2005 03:34

I think I get what you are saying, Fierrot.

When you lock pick a house, if you get an alibi (eg. Butcher), you won't get the chance to ask the suspect his or her alibi. However, when you lock pick and get a "None" alibi, you still get the alibi question to ask the suspect. So, it can indeed be deemed an inconsistency, in that sense.

Actually, I remember that it used to be that in both situations, you get the alibi question. Until it was changed when someone suggested it. Personally, I can live with it both ways. You just need to be more careful when you get a "None" alibi lockpick and remind yourself not to instinctively click the alibi question. But I agree you do have a point there.


Jan-16-2005 14:33

Maybe we could use skill points or $$, or both, to get our own assitants that could help keep track of the little things like this. You know, it would take care this little inconsistancy and maybe make the names disappear after we ask a townie a question about a suspect, so we know we've asked.

It wouldn't be the first skill to get, but something to get later when you are loaded up and have nothing left to buy. Just a bit of a convience more than anything.

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