Help with a case
Jul-23-2015 08:19
Good morning my friends.
I had this problem and it was not just once. I'm in a case with one suspect that matches an evidence, false alibi, and other suspect thinking that he murdered the victim and another one that saw him dispose the weapon. But the game still thinks that I don't have any reason to accuse him. What should I do?
Replies |
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Aug-14-2015 04:28
Doug have you played the tutorial case this explains exactly how to solve cases. Before you are able to accuse a suspect you must find their motive, this is a stipulation of the game, otherwise the game would be too easy. If you have not found their motive you will not able to accuse them. The only way you can find the motive is to ask other suspects. If all the suspects have clammed up and wont give u motive then you cannot accuse and u must quit the case. The game would be pointless and no fun if it was very easy u must think about what questions u want to ask each suspect as they are not infinite
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-14-2015 06:02
Seems right to me. All of us have had to quit cases. Ther is no shame in quitting a case at all at all. Take it from an OLDIE :)
Aug-14-2015 06:22
I can say, for myself, with 811 closed cases, that it's not a shame to quit a case (as to my track record of at least 4k+ solved cases). Especially in the beginning, I recall that it was very hard because I didn't have the necessary skills yet or ran into suspects who clammed up and I couldn't persuade to divulge me into their dark thoughts of other's motives and whereabouts during the crime.
There is always, ALWAYS, a chance that, even if you have questioned all the townies, the suspects and summed up most of the evidence, you still have to quit a case - it happens to the very best of us :)
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Aug-18-2015 03:42
Um, folks, are we misunderstanding here? It looks like Doug does have the motive - he says in his posts above:
"I heard about him with the "Ask if he knows anyone who had a motive to commit this crime."
"I asked one of the suspects if they know anyone that has a reason to kill him, and he pointed him"
Doug, when you click on the suspect you want to accuse, at the top of the list of possible questions it should either say '[Cannot accuse without motive]' or 'Accuse him'. Are you saying that neither of these links is there, or that when you click on 'Accuse' nothing happens?
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-18-2015 06:47
What is your motive?
Forgotten BIrthday?
Victim Loved Spouse?
Aug-19-2015 08:29
I don't know. Where can I see it?
Aug-19-2015 08:30
And it appears "Cannot accuse without motive". Even with thread, fake alibi, and witness...
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-19-2015 20:01
Ok So you need a motive which you dont have.
You can have fake alibi, match piece of evidence to suspect, and have a witenss evidence and still not be able to solve the case without having a motive.
Aug-21-2015 03:25
This looks like the government is denying to accept my reasons to accuse him but the law says that he cannot be arrested for some bureaucratic reasons. This is me quitting my first case where I know who is the murderer.
Thank you for all the respect and time you spent.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Aug-21-2015 07:09
Don't be discouraged, in the vast bulk of cases you'll get the motive before you even met the suspect for the first name.