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Small Update Suggestions
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-13-2015 23:42

I've started work on the next update for Sleuth, and as promised it's going to be a content update. However, it's going to take a while before any of you see it, at least two months, potentially far longer than that.

Now I would hate to leave you all in the Sleuth wilderness, totally devoid of changes, so every one to two weeks I'll create an update from the suggestions you give here. An example of a small update (from the desk of Bela Talbot III) would be including your most recent fortune telling in the case file so long as you haven't discovered any new suspects since then.

Whilst this is going on I'll also fix up the small bugs lying around the game. For example, there's a certain accessory devouring fox that needs reining in, and possibly relocating. So don't worry about suggesting bug fixes here. Keep it to small things you'd like to see, or small annoyances you'd like changed.



Aug-27-2017 07:34

I was thinking about creating agency logos that could be put on display in the agency description.

A bit like an agency avatar if you like.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-27-2017 19:08

I love that idea, BadAss.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Sep-23-2017 05:19

I would like to be able to purchase or win randomly in the furores a piece of equipment that would knock that tight-lipped London Librarian on her ass and make her sing like a canary.


Sep-23-2017 07:08

I would like a needle and thread set to stitch that clammy Tailor in London real good. And then I'd also like a plumeau to devilishly tickle her feet.


Nov-2-2017 07:48

Ok.. So, I propose a sort of box or maybe a bar of some sort with tough/nice at each end. If you have Judge of Character, once you open up a suspect's page, the info fills out - they're more likely to bend to a sweet word or intimidation. That way, we cut out another useless click on a platform that already works kind of slow. If you don't have this skill, the box/bar is either empty of non-existent.


Cathy Rose
Cathy Rose
Lucky Stiff

Nov-2-2017 08:34

Nice idea :) I would like to reiterate the "are you sure you want to sell []?" or "undo" button suggestion for attempting to sell a piece of clothing because it was originally posted on another thread.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Nov-2-2017 08:51

That does sound like a good idea.


Nov-2-2017 08:59

Yay! I thought I had told you about this before. That Judge of Character question annoys me every time I play and it's certainly something that we can do without, I think. I mean, the calculations about whether a suspect is willing do bend to intimidation or sweet talk are done when the case is generated, right? We'd just do without the time-waste.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Nov-2-2017 10:54

I'd like an "undo" button for a false accusations.

Just sayin...

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