Small Update Suggestions
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
May-13-2015 23:42
I've started work on the next update for Sleuth, and as promised it's going to be a content update. However, it's going to take a while before any of you see it, at least two months, potentially far longer than that.
Now I would hate to leave you all in the Sleuth wilderness, totally devoid of changes, so every one to two weeks I'll create an update from the suggestions you give here. An example of a small update (from the desk of Bela Talbot III) would be including your most recent fortune telling in the case file so long as you haven't discovered any new suspects since then.
Whilst this is going on I'll also fix up the small bugs lying around the game. For example, there's a certain accessory devouring fox that needs reining in, and possibly relocating. So don't worry about suggesting bug fixes here. Keep it to small things you'd like to see, or small annoyances you'd like changed.
Replies |
Feb-25-2017 15:39
I would love to have a skill that has a chance of allowing a second surveillance during a case, or a piece of equipment that allows same.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-6-2017 08:46
You know all those pesky exp. points just laying around? How about we use those plus bou-cou bucks and buy a pop-up telephone booth we can change into our smart gear; sort of like bat man? ;)
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Mar-9-2017 10:21
Ugh compulsory wearing of smart gear to check crime scene sounds like my idea of hell....I'm just too lazy :D
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-9-2017 16:20
We ought to get some surveillance for those townies before we crack out extra surveillance for suspects. Damn townies.
A pop up telephone booth sounds perfect, but would it have a working phone?
Mar-26-2017 21:37
OH! How about a pop up telephone booth we can use to do surveillance?
Also, a baseball bat for certain recalcitrant townies! Yes, a baseball bat, and there is a special storage rack for it in the telephone booth. YES!
*wanders off, rubbing hands and cackling gleefully*
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-26-2017 23:35
These telephone booths are becoming very all purpose!
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger
Mar-26-2017 23:39
I agree there should be more than just bribes to coerce townies. I already suggested an extra faction skill before but a phone booth would work too. A London field office so to speak. And I keep asking for questioning dead suspects,
Tyler Browne
Mar-31-2017 14:30
What about a personal bank account where a detective can store their money?
(I'd happily pay a 5-10% transaction fee, percentage dependent on amount you deposit)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2017 16:10
You just carry it around everywhere in buckets.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Apr-1-2017 14:05
I would like to have a "Take All" option in my Large Italian Armoire in my apartment. And I don't want to have to click a box by each item and then click "Take All," I just want to be able to click "Take All" and have my gear changed all in one click.
Maybe I just need a break from Sleuth, but I find these little mechanical things (i.e. clicking ad nauseam) are really sucking the joy out of the game for me right now. Probably the fact that I haven't seen the urchin for two weeks now has something to do with it, too.
Sorry be such a sour puss lately. :/