AVH Tourney Bullet-in Board
The Announcer
Jun-2-2014 10:33
"Ouch, that hurt!"
*clutches chest, staggers*
A place for all the competitors' trash talking needs, complete with barred iron fences and complimentary booze for all. (Thanks to Sophie for the idea.)
So what thoughts are running through your minds when you're not helping each other out? :)
Replies |
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-2-2014 10:40
Our thoughts? Helping each other out, of COURSE O:) *cough that's a halo cough*
Y'all *giggle* going *snort* DOWN!
I promise, one day, I'll get the hang of this. One day. You creeper, you.
Until then, Sophie (and hopefully others? Evil people need to see some conflict here) will show us how it's done :D
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-2-2014 11:14
Hey I saw my challenger, Lady Zed (heehee), leaving Shangri La for New York. You should have seen her struggling with that big steamer trunk. Detective....are you going to NYC for the hunt or to take in some Broadway shows?
Kallan Flint
Jun-3-2014 01:54
She's so good she can catch a show AND her Villain. As for me, I'm spending a day at the races. Go Tom, go!
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-3-2014 06:48
I suspect Lady Zeugirdor is attempting to thwart my progress. I keep getting the same clues and they're all written in crayon.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-3-2014 07:36
Have you considered telling Lady Zeugirdor that she's a very naughty girl and sending her to her room?
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-3-2014 20:28
We're in a contest, and pardon me Yeti but have you noticed we're both women, I would never say anything like that.
Lady Zeugirdor , I'm stuck in Delhi but enjoying the food. Still in New York? I almost envy you...........but not quite.
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Jun-3-2014 21:13
Sophie, as far as the trunk goes, at least I have options to my style. You don't and your's is just stale. Crayons can be used for more than just writing. Any smart detective knows to use versitile equipment. And I left NY a while ago...guess your map reading is still off a bit, hmmm?
Yeti, really sending a bad girl to her room?! Like she would actually stay there!
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-4-2014 00:14
I'm rather afraid your wit is markedly above my own Sophie4. I thought your reference to crayons was quite literally calling Z a child, in which case would sending Z to her room as a punishment for messing with a person's clues not be wholly appropriate?
As for whether or not the child would stay in said room, well I suppose that rather depends on whether the child enjoys having their "sentence" increased and reset every time they make a jail break.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-4-2014 05:03
The bullets are definitely going in :D
Also, Z most definitely knows what she's talking about. :D More importantly, she will save me if I'm going to get beaten up. Right?
Yeah, you will.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-4-2014 06:54
Bella, speaking STRICKLY about sleuth......no one can save you......be afraid, be very afraid ;)