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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)


Safety Officer

May-23-2006 05:51

lol Iliad it is then, my suspicions are confirmed [I'm too lazy to go to the bookshelf too :) ] and yeah Patrocles was fine RC. Tomatoes Tomatoes... *scutters*

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

May-23-2006 06:37

Was this the fastest solved quiz in the history of Daily Pub? We must think of a special prize for that.
Yes, Greyling, my apology was meant generally , I interpreted your ?? correctly, but please don't shut up, I like learning how the same names are spelt in different languages. In Croatian it's Patroklo, and we also say Helena.
But I checked the spelling with Wikipedia and it categorically told me it was Patroclus although Patrocles sounded fine to me too.
Congratulations to both of you, and now it's your turn, of course after all your cases are done.


May-23-2006 07:39

1. Which Legion was Caesar's most favorite?
2. What's the name of the highest mountain in the Andes?
3. What's the name of China's current leader?
4. What's the full name of Al Gore's wife? (Tipper Gore doesn't count!)
5. What's the largest lake in the world?
6. The name "Chicago" has an Indian origin. What's the meaning of this word in English?
7. What currency do people use in Thailand?
8. What name did the Arabs give to the land now known as Spain?
9. Who was the other astronaut that landed on the moon in 1969 together with Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin?
10. What's the name of the Greek hero that killed the Minotaurus?

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

May-23-2006 09:06

1. 10th (I think)
5. Caspian
9. Collins?
10. Theseus


May-23-2006 10:16

7. Bhat

Ijon Tichy
Ijon Tichy

May-23-2006 12:05

2. Aconcagua


May-23-2006 18:27

The correct answers are;

1. The 10th Legion.
2. Mt. Aconcagua
3. Jiang Zemin
4. Mary Jane Acheson
5. Caspian Sea
6. Land of Wild Onions
7. Baht
8. Al-Andaluz
9. Michael Collins
10. Theseus

Looks like Rosamund answered most of the questions right. She will have the honour of making up the next quizz :)


May-23-2006 18:32

I need to make one correction... Mary Jane Acheson should be replaced by Mary Elizabeth Acheson!

Everything is correct now :)

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

May-23-2006 23:53

Thank you, BadAss, but I hope Greyling will make up the next one because she had most correct answers in the previous quiz.


May-24-2006 03:36

Hahahahha - nice evasive action, Rosamund ;)
I'm just teasing, thanks for passing on the baton. I'm working on a colour-quiz #2 (although the first one wasn't even mine), but I'm only halfway through so that'll just have to wait.

Instead I'll pick up on yesterday's enjoyment of other languages (I thought Patroklo has such a great heroic ring to it), and do a short little guessing game quiz just for the fun of it based on a chat I had yesterday with a co-director, who has generously provided me with a dictionary so I can understand what he's saying :D

The Australian (it's still English (sort of :p) so we can all play along) Slang Quiz. What do you think the words actually refer to?

1) Fruit loop
2) Hooroo
3) Joey
4) Jumbuck
5) moo juice
6) Mozzie
7) Mystery bag
8) Sanger
9) Sunnies
10) Yakka

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