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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)


Madame Giry
Madame Giry

Sep-21-2005 17:55

I have a quiz:

1. Who has more blue blood: Bush or Kerry?
2. What is the hair on an elephant's but called?
3. What did Quirrel keep in his turban to keep the vampires away?
4. And what is the weirdest dog ever?

Steve Long
Steve Long

Sep-21-2005 18:28

wow i love trivia and I'm sad to say that i only know numbers 3 and 4.
3. Quirrel kept Voldemort in his turban, but the Weasley twins speculated that he kept garlic in there to keep vampires away.
4. that would be my retarded blind jack russell "terror". lol, no idea what the real answer is.

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Sep-22-2005 08:00

On yours, Madame Giry, I would say Bush has more blue blood as he's a relation to our dearest Queen Lizzie II. Don't know any more than that.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Sep-22-2005 09:45

1. Jane Campion wrote and directed "The Piano". She did get the Academy for her screen play while Anna Paquin another NZEr, became the second youngest person (Shirly Temple the youngest) to win an Academy for her role in "The Piano."

2. Marc Ellis and Jonah Lomu scored 5 tries each in the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

3. Kia Ora means hello or thank you.
Ka kite ono is goodbye.
Aroha is love while nui is big/lots of/many- arohanui is lots of love.
Kia kaha means be strong and can be used as a goodbye.

4. The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington where there is a Transexual, a Potsmoking Rasta, an openly gay man and a woman as Prime Minister in Parliment.

5. New Zealand was the first country to give woman the vote in 1893.

Dionne Dawson
Dionne Dawson

Sep-22-2005 13:26

interesting LED, sorry i didnt know any answers!


Sep-22-2005 16:35

Interesting LED. I was the winner no?
(jstkdn who lost her pass.)


Sep-22-2005 16:50

Let me quickly whip one's an easy one, because I made it up myself this time.

1. Which interior decorator frequents Oprah?
2. What nationality did Mata Hari have?
3. Who was the main character in one of the best novels of all time "Atlas Shrugged?"
4. North Korea decided to give in to the nuclear weapons development debate this week. They seemed to have changed their mind a day later, what is it that they demanded to have first from the US, before they would start pulling the plug?
5. There were elections in Germany this week. Who won?
6. What is Kielbasa?
7. Is the movie "The Terminal" based on a true story?
8. There is a picture of something on the flag of Cambodia, what is it?
9. Which TV show was often referred to as "jiggle TV?"
10. What is the name of the world largest mall?


Sep-22-2005 20:06

Again, following an off-the-top-of-my-head solving method...I realize I don't know very many:

6. Polish sausage
7. Yes
9. Baywatch

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Sep-22-2005 23:00

*laughs* I only know 7 and 9


Sep-22-2005 23:37

1. Nate Berkus (what a cutie!!)
2. Dutch
3. Dagny Taggart
4. Korea wants us (US) to provide nuclear reactors to supply electricy. They also want assurances of security from the US.
5. Schroeder
6. Polish sausage
7. yes
8. a Cambodian temple - Angkor Wat
9. Baywatch
10. West Edmonton Mall (Canada)

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