Daily Pub Quiz
Jan-4-2005 18:37
See if there is interest for this.
1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)
Replies |
Jan-25-2007 18:54
hmm... i think i'm just going to go with... 42 on all of them.
Lucky Stiff
Jan-26-2007 05:39
1. 1 million
2. sudoku isnt what youre looking for but I dont know what its called.
3. no clue
4. Bob?
5. The Omen
6. Madame Speaker
7. *racks her brain for all the HH literature she's read*....Logan Creed? ;)
8. (clearly not that famed) ??
9. 10,000?
10. well crap, umm, Chicago maybe?
umm $20.00 (lol why do I feel like there is some trick in there?)
Jan-27-2007 20:03
Well, that was a huge turnout, wasn't it? :)
1. 1,048,576 (1 Kilobyte is 1,024 bytes, and 1 Megabyte is 1,024 Kilobytes. Lousy binary system making everything a power of 2)
2. Kakuro (Sudoku is the "other" popular puzzle)
3. Sixaxis (It contains 3-dimensional motion sensors, similar to the Wii's controller)
4. Glenn (Could be Glen, not sure... either way, giggidy giddigy)
5. The Omen (6/6/06 look familiar?)
6. Madame Speaker (For the first time in US history, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is a woman. Politically, she is technically the most powerful woman in the history of the US, as the Speaker can become President if the President and Vice President are both unable to hold the office. Sorry, Hillary...)
7. Krikkit (The book points out that the Earth game cricket is considered by most in the universe to be a VERY tasteless irony.)
8. Sid Meier (NOBODY got this one?)
9. 12 (Thus proving that you CAN fold a sheet of paper more than 7 times)
10. Crimestoppers Inc. (Wow, they work hard don't they?)
$20 (Trick question, of course... but you'd be surprised how many people get stumped at bars with this one.)
The winner: Adam Carter, with 6/10 plus the bonus.
Raven X
Jan-27-2007 20:47
Hey Serges, just watched the Mythbusters.. The high school girl folded the TP only lengthwise, thus not actually breaking the myth of 7 folds. But the MythBusters were able to fold their paper 11 times, With the fold, turn 90 degrees, fold again method. :D
Jan-27-2007 20:51
I saw that too, Raven... where the heck do you think I learned the world record for paper-folding? :)
And semantically speaking... there was never a stipulation specifically stating you must fold the paper in different directions for it to qualify :)
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-28-2007 07:36
me again?
gimme 10 minutes
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-28-2007 07:41
Can you work out the phrases from the initial letters and numbers (e.g. "8 T on an O" = "8 Tentacles on an Octopus")
1. 50 S on the USF
2. 180 D in a T
3. 15 RB in a G of S
4. 88 is TFL in B
5. 3 W in M
6. 4 Q in a P of C
7. 14 D in a F
8. 1 F over the CN
9. 24 C in P G
10. 8 B in a B
Jan-28-2007 10:20
1. 50 Stars on the United States Flag
2. 180 Degrees in a Triangle
3. 15 Red Balls in a Game of Snooker?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. 14 Days in a Fortnight
8. 1 Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
9. ?
10. ?
Story Teller
Jan-28-2007 20:11
This is a collaboration with some email friends who love diltoids? like I do :)
1. 50 S on the USF = 50 stars on the United States Flag
2. 180 D in a T = 180 degrees in a triangle
3. 15 RB in a G of S = 15 Red Balls in a Game of Snooker
4. 88 is TFL in B = lol this took me ages: 88 is Two Fat Ladies in Bingo :D
5. 3 W in M = 3 Witches in MacBeth? (that's the best I could come up with)
6. 4 Q in a P of C = 4 Queens in a pack of cards
7. 14 D in a F = 14 Days in a Fortnight
8. 1 F over the CN = 1 Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
9. 24 C in P G = 24 Carats in Pure Gold
10. 8 B in a B = 8 bits in a byte :p
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-30-2007 12:56
1. 50 S on the USF = 50 Stars on the United States Flag
2. 180 D in a T = 180 Degrees in a Triangle
3. 15 RB in a G of S = 15 Red Balls in a Game of Snooker
4. 88 is TFL in B = 88 is Two Fat Ladies in Bingo
5. 3 W in M = 3 Witches in Macbeth
6. 4 Q in a P of C = 4 Queens in a Pack of Cards
7. 14 D in a F = 14 Days in a Fortnight
8. 1 F over the CN = 1 Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
9. 24 C in P G = 24 Carats in Pure Gold
10. 8 B in a B = 8 Bits in a Byte
And, with 10/10, this one goes to the Android. Well done.