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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)


Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jul-25-2006 04:25

1. Phar Lapp
2. Dragnet
3. Spilt Enz
4. I know one! France!
5. Crowed House
6. The Sydney Opera House Opening Opera
7. New Zealand Racehorses
8.I know another one! Khartoum (Heh, I had to google for spelling though!)
9.I know one more! Nautilus.
10. Texas?

11. FAT KITTEN? *laughs and laughs*

Pinball Amateur

Jul-25-2006 04:48

1. Thailand
2. Alto
3. ??
4. France
5. Ivanhoe
6. ??
7. Appaloosa
8. Khartoum
9. Nautilus
10. Texas


(Rubs Missy's lucky butterball tummy!!)

Con Artist

Jul-25-2006 12:06

1. Thailand
2. Alto
3. can't remember?
4. france
5. ?
6. ?
7. Apaloosa
8. Khartoum
9. Nautilus
10. Texas

Fat Kitten

Agent Canady
Agent Canady

Jul-25-2006 16:11

1. Thailand
2. Contalto / Alto
3. ?
4. France
5. Ivanhoe
6. ?
7. ?
8. Khartoum
9. The Nautilus
10. Texas

Bonus: no clue

Safety Officer

Jul-25-2006 20:44

This quiz will close at Sleuth clockover :) Couple with 6, couple with 8. lol I like the way we're all so polite and don't steal each other's answers :) Time for Missy to go to the cat fat farm Breit.

Safety Officer

Jul-25-2006 23:55

close enough:

1. Thailand
2. Alto
3. Enjolras
4. France
5. Ivanhoe
6. Turandot
7. Appaloosa
8. Khartoum
9. Nautilus

Bonus: If you hang out with LilRach, or eat too much sushi, you might just become one!

Answer: If you unjumbled the first letters of the answers to the quiz you would have gotten: A FAT KITTEN

The clue revolved around one of Sleuth's oldest & best Agencies Fat Kitten (Lil Rach being a part of that), and the newish Detective Sushi Kitty.

Breit gets over the line by one of Missy's whiskers ahead of RC.

Pinball Amateur

Jul-26-2006 15:26

Ok, I thought I'd do a quiz to take our minds off the current global heat wave many of us are having. Here we go:


1. What's the most popular ice cream flavor?

2. Who invented the ice cream cone?

3. What's the most popular ice cream topping?

4. Where does spumoni originate from?

5. Who invented 'Rocky Road' ice cream, and why?

6. True or False: Pistachios are naturally bright green in color, with a deep red shell.

7. What ancient empire first used chocolate?

8. What kind of plant does vanilla come from?

9. This man reportedly discovered over 300 different new ways to use peanuts (not including as a topping for sundaes). Name him.

10. Where can you find the world's only garlic ice cream?

BONUS: What philanthropic cause are Dave Matthews Band and Ben & Jerry's sponsoring through the sales of their 'Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies' ice cream?

Pinball Amateur

Jul-26-2006 15:32

(Looks down at the pleading expression on Missy's face while licking her ice cream cone.) 'No, Sweetie, you can't have any.' (Sees annoyed expression on tiger's face.) 'Sorry, Miss, blame Secret Squirrel. He's the one who says you need to go on a diet, not me.' (Watches as a certain grumpy, and now hungry, tiger, stalks haughtily off and goes Squirrel hunting.) (Aside to Squirrel--'Uh, do yourself a favor Squirrel, you've got a headstart. Grab those eggs of yours and RUN!!!')

sushi kitty
sushi kitty

Jul-26-2006 16:30

i don't know but i'll try.

1. vanilla
2. a person at a fair who ran out of cups for ice cream and the waffle man was right next to him.
3. chocolate sauce
4. italy
5. someone who longed to lick the cobblestones of their wee franconian village.
6. false.
7. aztecs
8. orchid
9. george washington carver
10. the stinking rose of san francisco? but i think other places have garlic ice cream. if there's an ice cream flavour, japan has it.
bonus: ?

my favorite ice cream is unagi ice cream (freshwater eel.) delicious and refreshing!


Jul-26-2006 22:12

2.Italio Marchiony
3.chocolate sauce
5.William Dreyer- to give people something to smile about in the midst of the Great Depression
7.Olmec indians?
9.George Washington Carver
10.San Francisco
BONUS: global warming

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