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Who am I?
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Francesca Romano
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe

Mar-26-2013 18:47

Well, since we're very good with this whodunnit thing, I decided to launch this little game here.
It's pretty simple. I am someone (person, cartoon, book character, whatever) and everyone else can have a guess at who I am.
The one who guesses it has the next round, and we'll try to guess on him/her.
I hope this works. :-)
To start, I'll give you all one hint: I'm a real person.


Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-29-2013 01:37

Is he still alive?

Was he born in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s?
Was he active in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s or later?

Did he serve in a war?


Or another conflict the US has been in involved in since 1945?

Was going to list a few but there are way too many.

Were his TV shows that he presented about:

Science? War? History? The envirnoment? Religion? Fiction? Other?

Quite stumped. And should I just be asking one question at a time?

Thanks Breit/Luc :)

David Adams
David Adams

Jul-1-2013 01:08

No, 'fraid he's not. :-/

He was born before the 1930's.
And he was active in his field for all of those decades.

He served in World War II.

The TV shows could prob'ly be categorized in the "fiction" and "other" genres.

And no, you don't have to ask just one question at a time. ;-)

Keep 'em comin!! ;-D


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-1-2013 11:25

Is he world famous? Or just US famous?

Does he have a famous wife and/or children?

Was he a professor? (University/College) or a school teacher?

Were his books fiction or non-fiction?
Were his books for adults or children?

Pinball Amateur

Jul-1-2013 23:24

He's known in both the U.S. and throughout the world.

His wife(ves) was/were not particularly famous. One of his five children is a horse trainer of some repute, but our mystery guy doesn't have any ties to horses or equestrian sports.

He was a teacher for a brief time, but he's not really known for it. He was a lecturer at various schools, but again, it's not something he's famous for. He was given an honorary doctorate from several universities.

His books were primarily fiction. They were designed primarily for children, but adults have enjoyed his creations just as much as kids.

Pinball Amateur

Jul-1-2013 23:45

(Our guy is more famous for his contributions to newspapers than his books, however. Just thought I would clarify that. ;-)

The Mystery guy IS:

Known for writing several books (some of which you may have even read)
Served in the army (US), and was a WWII veteran.
Worked as a teacher (people used to line up around the block to attend his classes)
Worked as an activist (especially for the environment when it wasn't really the glamourous thing to do)
Presented a couple of tv shows, even though the shows weren't about him
Born before 1930.
Active in his field from the 1930's-1990's.
Famous both in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Has a daughter who's a famous horse trainer.
Known for books (and newspaper contributions) that were fiction.
Known for "fiction" and "other" genre television shows.
Had an audience of both children and adults.
Holds several honorary doctorate degrees.

He is NOT:
Clark Kent
Steve Buscemi (sp?)
Ty Pennington
In sports (except in college i think), acting, politics, science, firefighting, singing or playing music, or cooking
Currently alive.
Married to anybody famous.
Known for either teaching or lecturing.

Clarification: He was a patron and huge fan of ice hockey and other ice sports, though he was never an athlete in those sports. He was quite well-known for owning and running an ice arena in an unusual area of the U.S.

Hope all that helps a bit. ;-)
Keep it comin'!! ;-D

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jul-4-2013 22:01

You all must be off watching fireworks and playing ice hockey. so I'll just pull out a newspaper to read and Pirate Kitty will sit in the middle of the page. have fun all. L

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jul-5-2013 02:52

I'm doing neither, but unfortunately nothing about this guy rings any bells with me at all.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-5-2013 08:16

I have no idea.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jul-5-2013 09:13

So if he's more famous for his contribution to newspapers than books, does that mean he was a journalist? Did we cover that? I may just be confused...

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-5-2013 09:40

Sadly, Cordy, googling will not help me here :)

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