Who am I?
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Mar-26-2013 18:47
Well, since we're very good with this whodunnit thing, I decided to launch this little game here.
It's pretty simple. I am someone (person, cartoon, book character, whatever) and everyone else can have a guess at who I am.
The one who guesses it has the next round, and we'll try to guess on him/her.
I hope this works. :-)
To start, I'll give you all one hint: I'm a real person.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-18-2013 20:29
Is there a statue of you in the U.S.?
Were you born before the year 1800?
You keep using the word "erected" is that a clue? ;)
My apologies to Missy.
luc pfeiffer
Apr-20-2013 13:23
I hope you all get done by wednesday. i'm not sure i can handle all this excitement in anne's place. L
Pinball Amateur
Apr-20-2013 13:54
Thank you, again, Luc, for letting the cat outta the bag. Turkey. ;-)
Sorry again, people, it's been a rather crazy week.
So. ;-)
No, Bela, he's not an actor, a politician, or a terrorist. ;-)
There are those who would say that all people come from heaven (I happen to be one of those said people ;-). Fortunately for you, many would also consider our guy to be "from heaven" in more than just a metaphysical sense. So the answer to your question for that one is "YES!!" ;-D
And I'm very glad to finally get the gray cells goin' again. I think. ;-)
No, Francesca, I'm sorry, but our mystery guy is not still alive. ;-)
Now for Daenerys. I am American, yes. ;-) But our mystery man is not. (I know, that was bad. But I just couldn't resist. Sorry, Daenerys. ;-)
Sophie, there may very well be a statue of him in the U.S. But I've never heard of one, sorry. (I'd probably count that as a no, Sophie. ;-) I did see statues of him all over the place where I grew up though. (Small clue for ya there. ;-)
Here we go again.... In this case, No, IIIIII wasn't born before 1800. But HHHEEE WAS born before 1800, yes. (I know, I'm obnoxious and terrible. I was also sleep-deprived when I wrote this. ;-)
I keep using the copy-and-paste thing on my computer. That, and I had a bad (and not unusual) case of brain-freeze when I first answered that question about a statue. So No, there's no clue behind my word choice (or lack of it ;-).
Bring tuna, Sophie. She's been cranky all week. ;-D
Pinball Amateur
Apr-20-2013 14:00
So for a wrap-up: ;-)
The Mystery Person is:
A male.
A human.
Born on Earth.
Definitely a real person.
Has had at least one statue of him erected.
Comes "from heaven."
Was born before 1800.
It is not:
A female.
From an otherworldly place.
A mythical character.
Considered sexy or svelte. (Still laughin' at that one!! ;-)
A politician. (Same comment above applies. ;-)
An actor. (Ditto. ;-)
A terrorist. (Double ditto. ;-D
Not currently alive.
Not American.
Does not have a statue placed in the U.S. (as far as I know).
You're on the right track, guys. Keep goin'!! ;-D
Daenerys Targaryen
Apr-21-2013 01:11
Were you born ... sorry, was HE born more than 500 years ago? Was he born more than 1000 years ago? Was he born more than 2000 years ago? Was he European?
Pinball Amateur
Apr-21-2013 16:39
Now you're gettin' it. ;-)
Yes, he was born more than 500 and 1000 years ago. No, he was not born more than 2000 years ago. And yes, he was European. ;-)
The Mystery Person is:
A male.
A human.
Born on Earth.
Definitely a real person.
Has had at least one statue of him erected.
Comes "from heaven."
Was born before 1800.
Was born more than 500 years ago.
Was born more than 1000 years ago.
Was European.
It is not:
A female.
From an otherworldly place.
A mythical character.
Considered sexy or svelte. (Still laughin' at that one!! ;-)
A politician. (Same comment above applies. ;-)
An actor. (Ditto. ;-)
A terrorist. (Double ditto. ;-D
Currently alive.
Have a statue placed in the U.S. (as far as I know).
Born more than 2000 years ago.
You're getting closer!! ;-)
Daenerys Targaryen
Apr-22-2013 00:41
Was he Roman? Was he an emperor?
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Apr-22-2013 07:11
Damn. I go away for a couple days and you drag Jesus into this?!!! :P Tsk, tsk, tsk, B.
Though seriously, is it "Him"? And if so, where were you born, Rio de Janeiro?? :)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Apr-22-2013 07:13
And I'm not an expert, but I'd think Heaven is kinda sorta otherworldly.
(See: my previous questions)
Pinball Amateur
Apr-22-2013 10:01
No, he was not Roman. And no, he was not an emperor.
I didn't bring Jesus into this. Or "Him," for that matter. ;-) Neither one is correct. And no, our guy was not born in Rio de Janeiro. (Chuckling again at that one, though. ;-)
Heaven probably is considered otherworldly. And our guy is generally considered to be *associated* with heaven. But he was born on Earth, lived on Earth, and very much died on Earth. So that makes him an Earthling, at least in my poor humble opinion. ;-D
(Yeah, I know, I'm confusing a whole lotta people here. You'll get it when you figure out who it is. I think. ;-)
So. We have:
The Mystery Person is:
A male.
A human.
Born on Earth.
Definitely a real person.
Has had at least one statue of him erected.
Comes "from heaven."
Was born before 1800.
Was born more than 500 years ago.
Was born more than 1000 years ago.
Was European.
It is not:
A female.
From an otherworldly place.
A mythical character.
Considered sexy or svelte. (Still laughin' at that one!! ;-)
A politician. (Same comment above applies. ;-)
An actor. (Ditto. ;-)
A terrorist. (Double ditto. ;-D
Currently alive.
Have a statue placed in the U.S. (as far as I know).
Born more than 2000 years ago.
An Emperor.
Jesus Christ.
God (the Christian version, or any other religious One).
Born in Rio de Janeiro.
Keep goin'!! ;-D
P.S. -- A small clue: You're the reason I chose the person I did, Bela. ;-D ;-D ;-D B.