Holiday Writing Contest 2012
luc pfeiffer
Dec-20-2012 17:51
We finally found Snuffles the Bloodhound and Klondike the Reindeer (he was stealing Clyde the Moose's carrots down at the Zoo). So, as promised, here we go... :o)
The Directors of Wish On A Star have held a holiday writing contest for several years. And while we're starting this just a wee bit late (sorry bout that, folks), we got together and decided, why not, we'll put this up and see if we get any bites. This year's offering includes some traditional requirements, like entries should not exceed the length of 3 posts; and some new hurdles, like the ones below. So...here goes!! ;o)
We would like you to have your stories set, at least in part, in New York City, and in the time period of 1920 to 1945 or so (i.e.--the Noir Era). We want you to set your stories up to be about a holiday between November 20 and January 20; however; we don't care which Holiday you choose. (Yes, even Druids qualify.) Naming the Holiday is not sufficient; the authour should include what the character(s) do to honor that particular festive occasion in their story. Does the story have to be a mystery? Nope. It can be, but it can be a comedy, a drama, a role-play, whatever you want.
We want you to include one Townsperson or other major NY character (Big Lucy or her staff, a Faction Head, Ella May Viddel, Cabaret Singer, Marcus Cairn, Head Librarian, etc.) in your story. You need to do more than just list the person's name and job; we want you to describe the character, develop what personality traits you think this person has, and include this person, even if only in a minor role, in your story.
Final part of the boring stuff: We would like you to include a theme of music in your story. We want authors at least to allude to one piece of music in the entry. But!! Naming a song just won't cut it. We want you to describe the music in some way and incorporate it into your story in a meaningful way. All music must be written/published/copyrighted BEFORE 1945.
Replies |
Pinball Amateur
Jan-16-2013 01:47
We're waiting to hear from one judge. Hopefully by later on today. ;-)
Thanks so much for waiting. I know it's been a while. You guys are great!! ;-D
Trusted Informer
Jan-21-2013 10:58
There's just something else I thought I might mention. If anyone is familiar with the works of P G Wodehouse, you might have read his legendary Jeeves series. My character Bertie gets his name from Bertie Wooster, one of Wodehouse's most lovable creations :)
Trusted Informer
Jan-22-2013 23:57
Any news on the results?
Andrew Corelli
Jan-23-2013 05:24
Great question, the thrill is killing me.
David Adams
Jan-29-2013 16:36
After many trials, tribulations and a trip to the hospital, we have the results from our panel of judges. The judges were Rosamund Clifford, Della Devine, Breitkat and Luc Pfeiffer; we want to thank all of them for their patience and work. Now for the results:
First Place: Lawlietime
Second Place: Vampiric Smile
Third Place: Andrew Corelli
Honorable Mention: CrabApple
We will be delivering the prizes via wire transfer from the bank. If any recipient wants an alternate arrangement, please contact Breitkat. Congratulations to all the writers! We were all incredibly impressed with your stories. We hope to hear more from you all and the rest of the Sleuth writers in the future. Thanks very much! Dave
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jan-30-2013 02:40
Big congrats to Lawlietine - a worthy winner! And well done to all the other winner and entrants :)
Trusted Informer
Jan-30-2013 07:12
I'm deliriously happy.
I'd like to thank a motley bunch. The person who invented Poppins candies (that's where I got my cat's name). PG Wodehouse who created Bertie Wooster, after whom I named the boy. Rabindranath Tore, the legend who composed the Bengal song which is always compared to Auld Lang Syne - Purano Shei Diner Katha (Those Old Days). Rich in nostalgia.
The directors of Wish on a Star for hosting the competition. Missy, who probably took a very, very fleeting interest in the cat.
Creativity & the holiday spirit, which I loved.
Congratulations everyone :)
Trusted Informer
Jan-30-2013 07:15
*Rabindranath Tagore. Damn you autocorrect for messing up the legend's name >:(
Oh and my cats Abol & Vanilla, on whom I based Poppins :)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jan-30-2013 08:05
Congrats to all and thanks for the fantastic stories :-)
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jan-30-2013 09:48
Congrats Lawliettine for your 1st prize (hehehe i would have been jealous but now that i know that you are a cat owner i keep no hard feelings...cats are wonderfull creatures and cat owners reserve all the respect).
Congrats to the hosts. Great idea and very good organisation