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Nemeses Captured!
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-19-2012 19:59
(sticky post)

I bow in humbleness to Sleuth Andrew Corelli who is the first to capture his Nemeses and did it in 33 clues. All the props bro!


Pasha Stevens
Pasha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Mar-13-2021 05:42

Thank you, Shelby : )

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-14-2021 09:52

A belated congrats Pasha. Well done! :-D

Pasha Stevens
Pasha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Mar-14-2021 12:22

Thank you kindly, turtledove : )

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Mar-20-2021 03:49

Mar-20-2021 03:12
Nemesis Foiled!
BadAss has finally tracked down one of the most nefarious criminals in the known world, after an agonizing hunt in which the heroic detective successfully solved diabolical puzzles and risked life and limb during the pursuit.

A new Nemmy! Congrats, BadAss! :D

Charlie Cool
Charlie Cool
Con Artist

Mar-20-2021 10:28

Bravo BadAss! Great job! :-D


Mar-20-2021 15:16

Thank you, kind ppl of Croatia and other places. One nemesis is a battle won but the war is far from over. Onward with our quest for a better world!

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Mar-20-2021 18:00

Congratulations on the collar. I had hoped to board the Sleuthetania with you, but my last three clues have been mere validators of existing data without offering anything new.

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Mar-21-2021 10:13

Way to go BadAss!!

Big Winner

Apr-17-2021 11:07

Apr-17-2021 08:31
Nemesis Defeated!
turtledove has finally tracked down one of the most nefarious criminals in the known world, after an agonizing hunt in which the heroic detective successfully solved diabolical puzzles and risked life and limb during the pursuit.

Well done, teammate! :D

Banana John
Banana John
Old Shoe

Apr-18-2021 16:26

Here, here ... another nemmy bites the dust.

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