Annoying Bugs... and no, not biggie's bunny
Safety Officer
Nov-1-2012 15:55
OK so yes, I am aware of a spate of bugs. Really my inbox tells me so every day.
The main one that seems to be grabbing a range of people is where you try to solve a case (usually a favour) and you get booted to the error screen.
** Your only option at this point is to QUIT. **
That's unacceptable, I know and understand that.
I can only give you the somewhat well-worn phrase 'Ben's working on it'.
There are other minor things that are happening with Nemesis that don't really seem to be too game-changing, except to say:
* Beef Flaps is roaming Sleuthville in neverending circles trying to find an HOURGLASS. If anyone is also having this problem, or they have gotten past this mission please let me know, or Beef Flaps.
* there 'might' be a problem boarding the Sleuthetania. It gets used so rarely that it's hard to know if this is wide-spread or user-based just from bug reports.
I apologise (for what that's worth from someone who has no control over fixing stuff) for the inconvenience this is causing subscribers.
I will endeavour to harrass the appropriate code monkeys.
Replies |
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Jun-2-2013 11:35
I need to collect the secret plans in the catcombs for my nemesis hunt- the first time i went there i got trapped 3 times so needed to find the missing map piece again spending 4 skill points- the second time i went there i found the artifact straight off so now i need to go and find the missing map piece again and spend another 4 skill points, this is killing me ive spent 12 skill points already and it takes forever to get the fvor for the townie that has the map- this task for the nemisis hunt sucks!!!
Pinball Amateur
Jun-2-2013 12:19
I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're having trouble with, Ellie. Are you needing an artifact, or a set of secret plans?? (They are two entirely different missions.) If you need an Artifact, yes, you have to spend skill points. If you need a Set of Secret Plans, you don't. You need to use another method for those.
PM me if you need more info. ;-)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-2-2013 13:59
^What Breit said :)
Safety Officer
Jun-4-2013 04:57
If anyone want to mention any annoying current game bugs, now would be a good time to do so, whilst someone is having a proper poke around in the next week or so.
Con Artist
Jun-5-2013 05:11
For my Nemesis task the Fortune Teller in Dehli asked me to give the Shoemaker in Shanghai a Double Breasted Coat. Since I was already in Delhi I decided to pick up a book from the Waiter. Instead of giving me the book the Waiter thanked me for the Double Breasted Coat, updated my task and STOLE my Santa Fe! I would love to have it back, please, please, please.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-5-2013 05:20
Ouch! He is one smooth...hope you do get it back :)
Con Artist
Jun-5-2013 05:56
Thanks Bela.
Another bug. I had to quit a favour which would have advanced a Treasure Hunt because I kept getting this when I tried to accuse:
Spyce exception
File: /var/www/html/case/accuse.spy
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'full_name'
Stack: accuse.spy:344, in (main):
response_text += "I was relieved to know that " + mystery.client.full_name() + " wasn't the murderer. "
Safety Officer
Jun-6-2013 04:06
Yes, that one right there seems to be recurrent at the moment. I think it seems to happen when you're client is the murderer in a favour case... does that sound right?
Anyway it's on the top of the list of case ending bugs (as opposed to the painful, if not catastrophic disappearing items. Which i am giving people back as they lose them :s... see my PM Emer.)
Carrie Mehome
Jun-6-2013 06:29
SS in a favour case your client is a townie.
Thank you for giving people back the stuff they lost ;)
Con Artist
Jun-6-2013 06:43
Thanks SS I really appreciate it :-)
Sorry but I don't remember if it was the client. I will pay attention next time but I hope that it will not be any time soon, lol.