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Annoying Bugs... and no, not biggie's bunny
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Safety Officer

Nov-1-2012 15:55

OK so yes, I am aware of a spate of bugs. Really my inbox tells me so every day.

The main one that seems to be grabbing a range of people is where you try to solve a case (usually a favour) and you get booted to the error screen.

** Your only option at this point is to QUIT. **

That's unacceptable, I know and understand that.

I can only give you the somewhat well-worn phrase 'Ben's working on it'.

There are other minor things that are happening with Nemesis that don't really seem to be too game-changing, except to say:

* Beef Flaps is roaming Sleuthville in neverending circles trying to find an HOURGLASS. If anyone is also having this problem, or they have gotten past this mission please let me know, or Beef Flaps.

* there 'might' be a problem boarding the Sleuthetania. It gets used so rarely that it's hard to know if this is wide-spread or user-based just from bug reports.

I apologise (for what that's worth from someone who has no control over fixing stuff) for the inconvenience this is causing subscribers.

I will endeavour to harrass the appropriate code monkeys.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Feb-12-2013 09:43

Hasn't happened to me yet and I hope it won't either but I'm sure Ben can magically make them reappear in your locker.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-13-2013 15:18

Beef, can you tell me what day you lost those items, or provide me with a list of what was lost?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Feb-13-2013 19:25

Ahhh the locker haqppens when the page has not been able to fully refresh and we click too fast. It's happened to us before.

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Mar-11-2013 20:49

And is just happened to me again. I'm not clicking to fast or doing anything out of the regular. Changed from charming to smart gear. Checked my case. Went back and clicked the 5 charming items I wanted back on, and once I hit take checked items...items went missing and several others just disappeared altogether.

I think there is a peeping tom in my change room and someone is mysteriously steeling my clothes when I bend over to pick up my pants!!!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Mar-11-2013 22:04

LOL Beef...sorry I couldn't help but laugh...not at your situation, but about your pants!!!!

Pinball Amateur

Mar-12-2013 09:31

*Glares at Missy.*

MISSY!!!! What did you DO to this gentleman's pantaloons??

*Watches as the tiger slinks out of the room, a piece of grey flannel peeking out of her mouth.*






We need to go on a trousers buying expedition. NOW!!!!

*Gets a startled look from the hubby*

" 'Scuse me??" (from Dave, as he peeks his head around the corner)

You heard me. Missy did it again. Grey trousers this time.

"Huh boy."

;-D ;-D ;-D

How many pieces did you lose in total, Beef?? Send me a list, and we'll see what we can supply you with while Admin deals with your problem. ;-)


Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Mar-12-2013 15:17

I'm patient Breitkat. I'll wait on Admin's delivery on my dry cleaning...just like last time this happened. Thank you anyway.

Safety Officer

Mar-13-2013 00:53

cage rattled.


Mar-15-2013 13:12


I was wearing my mexican hat, i went to speak to the podiatrist in Delhi about footprints (who i also need to give a russian fur hat too in my nemisis hunt) and he stole my mexican hat and then thanked me for the russian fur hat.

I need my hat back :(


Mar-15-2013 13:14

To make it worse he only paid me $4800 dollars for it and not what it was worth. please get my hat back

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