Annoying Bugs... and no, not biggie's bunny
Safety Officer
Nov-1-2012 15:55
OK so yes, I am aware of a spate of bugs. Really my inbox tells me so every day.
The main one that seems to be grabbing a range of people is where you try to solve a case (usually a favour) and you get booted to the error screen.
** Your only option at this point is to QUIT. **
That's unacceptable, I know and understand that.
I can only give you the somewhat well-worn phrase 'Ben's working on it'.
There are other minor things that are happening with Nemesis that don't really seem to be too game-changing, except to say:
* Beef Flaps is roaming Sleuthville in neverending circles trying to find an HOURGLASS. If anyone is also having this problem, or they have gotten past this mission please let me know, or Beef Flaps.
* there 'might' be a problem boarding the Sleuthetania. It gets used so rarely that it's hard to know if this is wide-spread or user-based just from bug reports.
I apologise (for what that's worth from someone who has no control over fixing stuff) for the inconvenience this is causing subscribers.
I will endeavour to harrass the appropriate code monkeys.
Replies |
Carrie Mehome
Nov-2-2012 07:09
I have made it through the "hourglass" mission and I have talked to Beef about it.
Assistant Postman
Nov-2-2012 07:44
Same here. Good luck Beef!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-4-2012 23:03
I am still looking at several of these bugs and trying to get them fixed as soon as I can. Particularly the accuse crash bug.
It appears that there are actually at least two different causes for that bug, which complicated the search, but I am making progress. I'm afraid I don't have a fix yet, but I'm hopeful to have one ready by Tuesday.
I've also added a little more information tracking to my bug trap, which should be helpful.
In the meantime, you do still need to QUIT your current case if get stuck while accusing. I'm really sorry about the agony here.
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff
Nov-5-2012 16:41
Carrie Mehome, Kesla, SS and everyone else with advice on trying to resolve the hourglass, I thank you all for the help. Unfortunately nothing I have tried, nor any of the other suggestions has worked. Thank you again for the help.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-6-2012 16:38
I'm still working on these problems.
Due to the enhanced error logging, I did notice that lots of people (particularly new players) still get caught by the double click bug on the accuse confirmation bug. That bug should now be fixed now.
Nov-6-2012 17:50
Poor Beef. I'd give you my hourglass reward clue if I could. :( Hope it gets resolved too much longer. At least it isn't a AV hunt and you can do other tasks while you wait. Stuck on endless AI cases...ick!
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff
Nov-7-2012 16:48
CFM, the whole point of me resubscribing was for the Nemesis hunt. AVHng and AI cases while waiting around...for almost a month now...for an answer; well I'm sure you know how that thought finishes. Maybe I can go steal your hourglass clue. Hell, I'd give up every last dollar i've earned on here just to move on. Ridiculous.
Carrie Mehome
Jan-17-2013 18:01
Had to quit a Favor case again.
"The Baffling Search for the Lost Shock"
Spyce exception
File: /var/www/html/case/accuse.spy
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'full_name'
Stack: accuse.spy:344, in (main):
response_text += "I was relieved to know that " + mystery.client.full_name() + " wasn't the murderer. "
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Feb-1-2013 09:15
I just had to quit a favor case because I kept getting this message.
Spyce exception
File: /var/www/html/case/accuse.spy
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'full_name'
Stack: accuse.spy:344, in (main):
response_text += "I was relieved to know that " + mystery.client.full_name() + " wasn't the murderer. "
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Feb-1-2013 11:44
Just wanted to say that if people want to use the Spyce thread I started in Sleuth Talk then maybe Ben could have a one-stop shop for forum bug info