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definite glitch
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Friday Robinson
Friday Robinson

Oct-29-2012 05:29

something is definitely wrong here. i just checked thread evidence with my pe contact - tailor in london. he told me that it matched willard. i check willard's alibi and it is fake. i accuse willard and am told 'nope that's wrong!' it all happened very smoothly in sequence and i was paying full attention.

i had a similar glitch a few weeks ago and reported it via 'report a bug' - but no reply at all to date. having moderators is fine but we really need people who are able to look into these things. oh dear - anyway i will 'report a bug' again. but in meantime looks like i'll have to fork out to shady .....



Nov-21-2012 05:53

Hmmm.. Friday i had a similar problem on my other detective. I use a sleuth helper so i knew exactly who it was, accused, got a FA and had my detective retired. Now i assumed that i accidentally clicked the wrong suspect as it was late and i was tired, but now that you have mentioned this im not so sure. I will have to try and pay off all my FA's to shady just ion case it happens again

Friday Robinson
Friday Robinson

Dec-2-2012 07:37

yeah it sounds a bit weird, like mine dreamcatcher. thing is, if it's a glitch then you might pay off shady and then it can still happen again ......

that's why i'm wary to pay off shady because the very next case, if a glitch, could be the same. and that's why i need to get feedback to my bug report. or at least some response to say even roughly when i can get an answer.

but still nothing after 34 days. i'm sorry but no matter how busy people are it's bad, really bad.

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Dec-2-2012 21:08

Just my opinion
-I am 99.99% sure that there is no glitch. If such a glitch was present noone could have gain experience >10mio and lot of people have. Ben said in a former reply that he has checked similar cases of reports in the past and all were wrong. Simply i think that it is very easy to make a FA in Shanghai or in Delhi as the names of the suspects are most of the time extremely close to each other so you get the responce ...It is from Miao...and hehehe there are 3 Miao in the click one of them and ....shady appears. Going to NY or London is the easy thing to do to avoid it.
-As you are a paying customer ....all your complains concerning the luck of responce are 100% valid. SS does his best and he is resolving almost all issues but i would agree that from a customer service point of view this site may be the worst existing in the internet world. I understand that Ben may be very busy in real life but on the other hand this game is his real life.

Friday Robinson
Friday Robinson

Dec-11-2012 05:00

^ 'from a customer service point of view this site may be the worst existing in the internet world' - well, yep, maybe there is a point there, haha. seeing that admin has been on and answered to people but not even a tiny note to me to say even that 'there is no glitch' or any acknowledgement. just plain bad manners - sorry but it's true. and regarding busyness - well, we are all busy, no? i certainly am. this is meant to be a recreation for me. as far as i understand a glitch can be specific to one person's account doesn't need to be a general thing? maybe i'm wrong. but besides that i am reluctant to play on a game where there is this lack of courtesy. what else can i call it? seems like it's by bye noir for me, at least as subscribed player. had a pm suggestingi keep 3 tabs open and take screenshots to send to admin/ss but it would be such a pain to play every case like that! ah well. hope everyone has a great xmas and new year. bye - and good luck :)

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Dec-11-2012 06:40

Hey Fri, don't leave just yet. Log in and read my PM. I've tried to email you but I only get a postmaster reply. I think your Inbox must be full...?

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Dec-11-2012 21:05

Hi Friday,

I sent a message and I haven't received a failure notice yet. I thought maybe I could also repeat what I said here just to make sure you receive the message:

You need screenshots only when your 3 tabs confirm that there is a bug. The only tabs that need to be kept open till the case is finished are

1. Suspect X page (under the case tab and not the suspect questioning page, with fake alibi written below)
2. PE townie page - "yes this evidence belongs to X"
3. suspect's page where you make the accusation.

So if it says you made a falsie, you can check page 1 and 2 and then take their screenshots. If you do that I am sure that you will get a response.

It will only take seconds each time you open a tab. Taking screenshots takes time but you will need to do that only when you want to send a report.
Just a suggestion :)

Friday Robinson
Friday Robinson

Jan-3-2013 08:03

thanks summer, i really appreciate it. and back in town now, have cleared inbox on my home account so you can get me there too. message sent.

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