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The Resistance: The Midnight Strike
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Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jul-19-2012 12:12

Mob history is to be made tonight, and you are along for the ride.

Sonny Capellini, The La Cosa Nostra boss of the Brooklyn area and a few of his closest compatriots were found dead in his home two nights ago, victims of blasts from sawed-off shotguns. Fuggheddaboudit. Theories suspect rival Emil "The Butcher" Bocelli, a higher-up with no small means at his disposal. Emil wanted to assume his place as the top man in the Brooklyn outfit.

However, the Santanelli's have cracked open the books and are hesitant to appoint the wild-card Bocelli, for fear they might have trouble from him later on down the line. They favor Jimmy "Legs" Tarabotti, a well-respected mobster who has no beef against the Santanelli's. However, La Cosa Nostra isn't about to lose more manpower over this.

Jimmy "Legs" Tarabotti has been sent for, and if he makes it to the meeting in a warehouse on 34th tonight at midnight, he will assume the mantle of the entire Brooklyn outfit. If he doesn't make it, the outfit goes to Bocelli.

You are a close-knit crew of Tarabotti's supporters, but word on the street is that Bocelli bribed a few of his men to the other side. Its possible, with their sabotage, that Tarabotti will be dead far before midnight. Only the final strike of the clock will tell.
Can you keep Legs Tarabotti alive until he becomes the most untouchable man in New York? Find out in this game of...The Resistance!


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Aug-4-2012 07:01

I'm voting no on this mission. Why? I'm just..not sure about Riza being resistance. Something doesn't sit right and I got a hunch that there is a spy on this team.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Aug-5-2012 01:57

Waiting on two voters!

Danny Mack
Danny Mack
Old Shoe

Aug-5-2012 02:21

I voted no.

Yea Helen, "but your logic is massively flawed and for a large part inaccurate." I know. Like I said, I've been working from 9am to 2am and I'm pretty damn tired. Aware, I've missed a lot and gotten posts confused.

I know I am resistance.

I trust Nic, if she's a spy, she still seems to be helping and guiding resistance. Maybe that's her evil plan but she makes sense.

I trust Biggie, pretty much because of somethng she said and the fact Nic trusts her. I pretty much play this game by doing what Nic says.

Squiz is a spy.

Because I trust Nic and therefore Biggie, it means Riz is the spy and then you are too Ms Helen.

Cek, thanks for your post and Marc, thnks for yours. You're both pretty straight up and playing the way you did last time I played with you. I trust you guys and think you are resistance.

Nicnic (I probably put way too much faith into you!)


Battered Shoe

Aug-5-2012 09:17

Can we get confirmation from Molly that SS voted Yes to the last mission? And also what is going on ATM?


Aug-5-2012 10:21

Molly is too quiet this game... Definitely not Resistance! :D

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Aug-6-2012 09:29

People, its been a day. Have a drink and relax. I'm not going to be on every waking minute but I am overseeing the game at least once a day. Bear with me. Have a mimosa.

First order of business, that is correct, in between all his PM waffling I did discern a 'Yes' in Squirrels last vote. My bad guys! Please remember to format your vote PMS as Mission _, Team __ NO/YES. It really does help. As you can imagine they all get lost in all my PMs from other people.

Now, the proposed team has been REJECTED by vote of (6-2)

Secret_Squirrel: YES
Cekuray NO
nicnic NO
Riza Hawkeye NO
biggie528 NO
ms. helen YES
Marc Lacrimosa NO
Danny Mack NO

Leadership would pass to Marc Lacrimosa however Riza has informed me she would like to use her strong leader card. Riza Hawkeye, you may propose your team.

Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Aug-6-2012 10:02

This is going nowhere. Nic and all those who follow her spread-sheeting should have ABSOLUTELY no problem with my team proposal:

Danny Mack
M. Lacrimosa

I have to prove something. Vote YES. :)

Battered Shoe

Aug-6-2012 11:36

Guys we have to approve this one because Squirrel has NO CONFIDENCE and can veto the mission vote next time which will be the fifth mission and the spies can automatically win. So this mission has to be approved.

Not sure why Riza felt the need to use her Strong Leader card here.

This also makes me think there is a chance that Squirrelly is not a spy and is just be annoying for the sake of being annoying ;-)

Battered Shoe

Aug-6-2012 11:38

Oh wait. Is this the third or fourth mission proposal for Mission 2? I may have forgotten to put one in my spreadsheet. Did Ms Helen propose a team? I have no idea what is going on anymore.

Battered Shoe

Aug-6-2012 11:58

OK I talked to Riza and Ms Helen and this is the fourth mission proposal. So see what I posted above.

Unless of course you want the game to end now.

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