Congrats to Sleuth's Top Legend Detective Riza Hawkeye
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jul-6-2012 22:12
Detective Riza Hawkeye is slowly becoming even more famous than Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye !
1.First in the Overall Best Detectives list with almost 50000 xp points per day.
2.First in the Top Villain Hunters list with 268 Villains Captured (on average Riza cuffs a villain every 5 days!)
3.Very high (second-third place) at the Top Book Collectors
4.First at the Most Library books Returned
5.First at the Most Packages Delivered
6.First to brake 500 points as a head of a Faction
7.Last but not least is the fact that Riza is also organizing some of the best community events like the recent Tournament.
Bravo Riza for your outstanding performance. You are great!
PS: Grrr why didn't I truck you when you were a newbie in the game?
Replies |
Carrie Mehome
Jul-7-2012 11:20
Nice going Riza ;)
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff
Jul-7-2012 19:47
Great job Riza!!!
Jul-14-2012 23:46
Congrats Riza! Three cheers for riza. Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray.
Eden Zweig
Aug-18-2012 08:17
Also young and sweet and only 70 million hahaha ;) (perverted abba song this time)
I wish we had a villain named after Riza. I seriously do. Riza Sniper Hawkeye or something. (Riza AK47
Congratulations :) :)
Eden Zweig
Aug-18-2012 08:18
keyboard hazard: (Riza AK47 Hawkeye)
Pinball Amateur
Aug-19-2012 22:48
Way to Go, Riza!! ;-D ;-D ;-D