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A new challenge...
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Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jun-19-2012 20:57

People of Sleuthville, lend me your ears!
I call out now to all you tomb-raiders and treasure seekers! To those who love the thrill of a good treasure hunt!

In the spirit of friendly competition i propose a challenge.
This challenge will require 10 adventurous detectives to be split onto 2 Teams, each team consisting of 5 members, in 2 newly made Agencies of my own making in NY.

These two agencies will compete against each other in Treasure Hunts.
The first team to get their agency to 7,000 Fame wins:

$200,000 Prize to be split among the team evenly.
(Working out to $40,000 a piece for each teammate...not too shabby huh?)
Also each team after the contest ends will vote amongst themselves on who alone among their team was MVP (someone who went above and beyond, did a really excellent job, etc) The MVP's from Both teams will win a 3 month gift subscription from me personally.
You also win bragging rights and honor for your home agencies on being an awesome treasure hunter.
Whether your team chooses single or multi-city hunt strategy is entirely up to you.

Obviously this competition will run for a while, (I'm venturing a guess at anywhere between 2 weeks to a month depending on how luck smiles on you or how good you and your teammates are).

It goes without saying that you would be required to resign temporarily from whatever agency you are currently in to join my competing agencies for the contest. You are allowed to enter an alternate detective if you wish if you're too attached to have your main detective leave your agency, and the only rules are:

1) Absolutely NO Password Sharing.
2) Only one entry per contestant
3) Have fun.

I want to know who among you treasure hunters really has what it takes to come together and co-ordinate as a team to truly be the best.




Jul-9-2012 18:48

Andiyana has informed me that I've been added to the TH. No objections. I'm looking forward to it.

Andrew Corelli
Andrew Corelli

Jul-11-2012 15:29

If there's still one more spot, I'd like to participate. This sounds like a really fun competition.

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jul-11-2012 15:48

Good to have you Andrew, 22 people on board. Im happy with an even number. Still two spots available but im happy with 22, even numbers make things a lot less complicated for everything. :D

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jul-13-2012 01:26

Ahhhh! Two days!!!! :D

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jul-13-2012 22:12

Alright people, its officially Saturday July 14th, the contest beings tomorrow, Don't be too quick to resign, i want every contestant to have played out their cases for today before being invited into the contest agencies. Just to avoid anyone accidentally solving today's cases in the agencies and boosting the fame before its start time. Does that make sense?

Anyways im announcing the teams and remember i took a lot of things into consideration while picking the teams. It was part randomness, and also balanced at the same time. I took faction standings into account (a week or so ago granted) and i did my best to split up some agency mates. The teams are as follows:

The Raiders:
Christopher Leroy
Molly Maltese
Jesse Hunter
Beef Flaps
Dedektif Cingot
Arctic Blast
M. Lacrimosa
Andrew Corelli

The Crusaders:
Carrie Mehome
Ada Grace
Sal Iva

Be ready to accept an invite after you've traveled or solved all your cases or what have you. Again the guidelines are as follows:

1) Absolutely NO Password Sharing.
2) Only one entry per contestant, please.
3) Apartment usage is allowed, however case files must be emptied before the contest starts.
4) Sidekick cases are allowed.
5) Have fun. :)

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

Jul-14-2012 14:49

I'm planning on waiting just a little bit later on today closer to turn over to start inviting people, but if you're out of cases, not in an agency and you want an invite PM me. Just dont open any hunts until tomorrow. :)

Jason Arends
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff

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Battered Shoe

Jul-14-2012 19:09

*wanders in, notebook and pen in hand; browses upthread....nods, makes a detailed list*

Names taken. Let the ass-kicking begin.


Safety Officer

Jul-14-2012 19:13

good luck everyone!


Jul-14-2012 20:07

No luck needed...we all know who is going to win!

; )

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