A new challenge...
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-19-2012 20:57
People of Sleuthville, lend me your ears!
I call out now to all you tomb-raiders and treasure seekers! To those who love the thrill of a good treasure hunt!
In the spirit of friendly competition i propose a challenge.
This challenge will require 10 adventurous detectives to be split onto 2 Teams, each team consisting of 5 members, in 2 newly made Agencies of my own making in NY.
These two agencies will compete against each other in Treasure Hunts.
The first team to get their agency to 7,000 Fame wins:
$200,000 Prize to be split among the team evenly.
(Working out to $40,000 a piece for each teammate...not too shabby huh?)
Also each team after the contest ends will vote amongst themselves on who alone among their team was MVP (someone who went above and beyond, did a really excellent job, etc) The MVP's from Both teams will win a 3 month gift subscription from me personally.
You also win bragging rights and honor for your home agencies on being an awesome treasure hunter.
Whether your team chooses single or multi-city hunt strategy is entirely up to you.
Obviously this competition will run for a while, (I'm venturing a guess at anywhere between 2 weeks to a month depending on how luck smiles on you or how good you and your teammates are).
It goes without saying that you would be required to resign temporarily from whatever agency you are currently in to join my competing agencies for the contest. You are allowed to enter an alternate detective if you wish if you're too attached to have your main detective leave your agency, and the only rules are:
1) Absolutely NO Password Sharing.
2) Only one entry per contestant
3) Have fun.
I want to know who among you treasure hunters really has what it takes to come together and co-ordinate as a team to truly be the best.
Replies |
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jun-20-2012 00:37
As my young niece would say, this idea is 'the nipples'. Sign me up :)
I'd say this is an idea that could run and run i.e. come back in many forms. Maybe the first time you have these temp agencies set the goal at 10 treasures, or 12K fame -whichever. See how it runs. After that if popel want to change the set-up, there could be further competitions down the line.
But I'm happy to go with the flow on this. Groovy idea Jason!
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jun-20-2012 00:38
*people (I don't know what popel is)
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-20-2012 00:44
Haha thanks summer, if i think there is enough interest in this thing i could make this a regular thing every year after Riza's VH Competition and such. Make every summer a contest crazy place here on sleuth. Matter of fact Riza Hawkeye and Molly Maltese kind of inspired this idea, I was thinking about Molly's Beauty Pageant and the AVH Competition and wondered why not do a TH Contest? But everyone sort of merge together in new agencies, meet people in the community have fun. *Shrugs* I'm excited and im just setting this thing up. Anyways glad you'll be competing. I was honestly worried this idea might not catch anyone's interest. I'm glad it did. :)
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jun-20-2012 00:56
Very good idea indeed Jason.
I only think that if those 2 agencies will compete not only against each other but also against the other agencies that participate in THs it would be very difficult for them. How can a 5 member team compete with agecies having over 10 people in...it would be rather difficult.
My proposal is a gentlemen agreement between you and all agencies participating in THs to leave NY ground free for your 2 teams to compete each other.
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jun-20-2012 00:57
Obviously Crypt would respect such agreement as it is fair
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-20-2012 01:05
There's an interesting notion VS i hadn't thought of that, I figured each agency would chose amongst themselves whether single city or multi-city hunts would be a better strategy, but i hadn't considered how difficult it would be to win a TH if an agency not even involved were playing for that same hunt. You raise a valid concern. Okay folks, in addition to asking you if you'd like me to raise the Fame limit higher, i also ask how do you feel about this being restricted to only single city hunts in NY? I personally am a little against it, but ill tell you why:
I feel if you're doing single city AND multi city hunts it sort of shows off to the rest of us how well you co-ordinate a team and your awesomeness. But i hadn't honestly considered the aspect that there would be outside agencies paying the contest no mind also hunting that same treasure. So im torn on this issue here, Half of me says no restriction on multi-city hunts (in the spirit of keeping things challenging) But the other half of me agrees with VS that it would be a little harder to accomplish that against non-contest agencies. As always im listening and im considering raising the bar to First agency to 12,000 fame wins. Your thoughts?
Jun-20-2012 01:12
Thoughts on a "gentleman's agreement" to not compete in hunts:
I don't like it.
While I'm sure we would all adhere to it, there's always the chance that some rookie somewhere opens a hunt without consent, and the natural course of agency events leads that hunt to approach being won. That alone gives me cause for concern.
In addition, for agencies "outside" this contest, is it fair to ask them not to hunt NY treasures for 2 weeks? As a NY agency director, I feel that would infringe upon my team's enjoyment of the game, albeit temporarily.
Thirdly, there's an unwritten policy from what I understand in Shades that says once an agency starts a hunt, you shouldn't try to win it with your own agency. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this cutesy little concept that says you can't hunt until it's your "turn".
Lastly, and most importantly, hunts are competitive. Again. And, coming from a seasoned THer, you ALWAYS have to face other agencies looking to swoop you. Why wouldn't you let that be part of the competition organically?
With all due respect to Vampiric Smile, I just can't agree that this would be the right call. But it's Jason's call to make, and he'll do what he thinks is best, and either way it should be a great competition.
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-20-2012 01:15
Okay folks scratch what i just said, I have my reasons for NOT wanting to restrict this to a single city hunt contest, i want to see these teams all across the world doing hunts and proving their superior skills, the only way i see to even the playing field is to simply open the doors a little wider, i initially set this contest with a 10 contestant limit because i wasn't sure if ANYONE would be interested....i had no idea others thought this would be as much fun as i did, and as such i am now officially changing the contestant limit to 24 people, with 12 people in 2 agencies of my making, the home agencies will be in NY when i make them. So this should even the playing field so that the agencies in the contest have just as much a shot against agencies NOT in the contest. So since i have more slots available, Please people, sign up by all means. The only rules are still only one entry per contestant and no password sharing.
I'd still like to hear a magic number about the fame limit, and as always im listening. I was considering 12,00 fame but with 24 contestants in the mix....im assuming i need to go higher still. So whose got a magic number we can all agree on?
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Jun-20-2012 01:41
Ok I'll start the ball rolling with a nice round number. How about 25K? That means an average of just over 200o fame points contributed by each of the 12 players in an agency.
And bigger agencies are definitely a better idea! The competition would maybe drag out too long if 5-person agencies were having to compete against those with 10 or 10+ players. But Jason, this must be costing you a lot - buying agencies, prize money and all. I hope you're getting some contribution from Noir itself?
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-20-2012 01:48
I wasn't expecting contributions from Noir summer, obviously i wasn't planning on spending so much money, but as it is *my* contest ill come up with a higher reward (im thinking $480,000 reward still splits up to $40,000 among all 12 teammates for the winning team, each team will still vote on who their MVP was and ill still gift BOTH team's MVP's with a 3 month subscription) So i obviously wasn't expecting the higher reward or the higher number of contestants but I'll manage im sure, Obviously i wont turn down any contributions but im not asking for any, as i said this was my idea and I'll foot the bill as best i can. If Everyone else likes the idea of first agency to 25,000 fame then I'll change it to that, someone had suggested to my privately 50,000 fame but i wasn't sure about that. I want this challenging and fun but not so challenging its not fun, am i making sense? Either way im still excited, i just hope the slots continue to fill up now that im looking for 24 contestants......