May Writing Competition
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-25-2012 16:52
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M. Lacrimosa
Apr-25-2012 16:53
Okay all you thespians, and new writers!
The announcement has been made. We have 3 judges as of right now.
And only 2 competitors? I hope there will be more of you who are interesting in the competition.
As I explained before, the competition is about short stories, posting in thread, no more than 4 posts per writer. No writer can use more than one profile if they have one and no judge can write/writer cannot judge.
I'm still taking offers for 2 more judges and anyone is welcome to write. First come first serve for judges so act quick if you want to do it!
Writing begins May 5 and will end May 19. This gives everyone a good amount of time for a rough draft if you need one and editing as well before posting.
Winner receives a 3 month subscription.
Safety Officer
Apr-25-2012 19:37
Sorry Marc? Is there a topic? I assume this is the main thread? Or do I go looking in the other thread for the details? In which case I better re-stick it :D
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-25-2012 21:01
This would be the thread to post on. The other one is just the details really. Maybe I should have kept the other thread. Oh well. Either way this one would be the one to post into. You going to join it SS?
Safety Officer
Apr-26-2012 17:12
I'll re-stick the other one.
M. Lacrimosa
May-2-2012 08:16
Ok everyone!
The writing kicks off in just a couple more days! I hope you all are brainstorming and coming up with ideas. I can't wait and I hope you who entered are ready!
Night Queen
Old Shoe
May-2-2012 08:22
Sounds great!
Is there a theme for the short story we write about? I do have some ideas, but I don't want to get to far along if there are limitations about what we write about.
M. Lacrimosa
May-2-2012 19:47
You can chose any theme. Any setting, time, etc. I prefer to use realistic time eras and settings though but its all up to the writer. You can write about anything.
Ivy Spini
May-4-2012 12:30
Dr. Carolyn Smythe didn’t like coppers. They’d barge in her office, scaring the patients away and demanding help in some gruesome case destined to be unsolved. Mercifully, they didn’t do too much work.
Sleuths were the same. No, worse, they actually wanted to find something out. Not that most of them were any help. So when Ivy Spini barged past the receptionist and into her office, waving footprint impression in Doctor’s face and demanding to know the owner right now, that meant trouble.
Carolyn had charged her quite a large bribe, just to make the nosy sleuth go away. Spini left, only to come later. No week had gone without that snooping brunette sticking her head into Doctor’s beloved office and inquiring whether that footprint belonged to Jaclyn Gravelle, or to Edmund Gravelle " please, Doctor, can’t we bend the rules just the teensiest bit? " or to Jacob Weaver " fine, I’ll pay, just tell me!
They say Spini means thorn; well, she was surely a thorn in Smythe’s foot. Couldn’t that shamus understand it was not so easy? One had to account for build, walking manner, presence of limp, traumas and calluses, shoe type, ground and many other details a non-physician would never comprehend. Well, as long as those visits brought extra cash, Carolyn could put up with that.
On a fateful Sunday, Doctor had finally got some respite from her work and called Callandra Carter, her friend and colleague. They’d meet in Doyle Estates, at Carter’s place, for a cup of Esmeralda’s excellent tea.
Carolyn had come only to find her friend sitting in a comfy chair. Dead.
Ivy Spini
May-4-2012 12:32
The coppers had done nothing useful. They’d not even remark on Smythe’s theory on the guilty party. So next day, Carolyn had come to work feeling useless like a single shoe.
To make it worse, that sneak Spini waltzed in " well, it would be a waltz if it wasn’t for the limp.
“What is it, another print?” - Carolyn wearily questioned.
“It’s no work, actually” - Spini was beaming as usual, but Doctor knew enough of people to state that those smiles were showing not affection but sharp teeth.
“Then it is?”
“Just a small unfortunate accident, Doctoro. Skipped a step and sprained my ankle. Surely a breeze for a professional like you.”
That flattery might have made Doctor smirk some other day. Now, it was infuriating.
“Would you kindly keep your dictionary knowledge for someone else?” " she snapped.
“Apologies”, " Spini pondered for a moment, then went on:
“Looks like you could use my help, Mrs. Smythe”.
“I read the papers. Those gumshoes wouldn’t know a case solution if it came and punched them in a nose. I know how to work. So, Doctor? You can help to bring the babe who put your friend in a Chicago overcoat to justice”.
Carolyn was silent for a while. Her eyes were stinging; she blamed the London smog.
“I’m kind of short on dough. Those visits will be free. Enough of payment, Spini?” She thought the answer would surely be negative. But unexpectedly, Spini grinned even wider " a difficult feat.
“Then it’s a deal, Mrs. I’ll let you know when I snoop something out. Now, the case details…”
Spini came two days later as scheduled. Carolyn didn’t ask, and that sleuth said nothing new. At the end of the visit, Doctor couldn’t wait anymore.
“Anything on the case, Miss?”
“Nothing definitive. Six suspects so far " I’ll narrow the alibis down when I am able to walk straight. Oh, does this print belong to Andre Caban? No? Abyssinia, then.”
Ivy Spini
May-4-2012 12:32
Another visit yielded no more positive results. This time Carolyn asked straight.
“Spini, do you know anything new?”
“Closer and closer, Doctor " this case will be over faster than you can say “Manhattan”. A question " was Orion Bankhart in your office the day of the murder?”
“Hm. Might this print be his?”
Some mental wall broke inside Doctor.
“Spini! What does that even mean? Who’s that Bankhart?”
“A loan shark. He was angry because Callandra had forgotten his birthday twice”.
“T-this makes no bloody sense! Are you pulling my leg?”
“Believe me, Doctor, people have murdered over that. Why, last week…”
“I don’t need to hear your tell-tales! Are you even doing something " anything? I know I’m not exactly paying " so tell me to get lost, and I will! And have your free appointments, s-since you…” Carolyn paused and tried to wipe her eyes without Spini noticing.
“That maledetto smog is killing me too, Mrs. Smythe” " Spini handed her a crumpled hankie. “Now then, Doctor, no need to get irate. I have three possible murderers, see. This footprint…”
“Is not Bankhart’s. What now? Buy a b-bloodhound? Go asking everyone whether they’d seen something?”
“Sure thing, but first I’ll check the thread I’d found. Carolyn " if I may? If I were not a genius I am, I’d still be stuck in Sicilia. Carolyn, I’ll find that bastardo”.
Her Italian was pretty clear to Doctor; and Spini actually sounded heartfelt. “Thanks, M-miss… um…”
“Name’s Ivy.”
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