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Dare I mention Delhi?
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Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Mar-29-2012 02:31

Delhi has eaten a big slice of humble pie since trapping me there some weeks ago. Today, 3 cases and done. But shouldn't there always be a favour case waiting after you complete an AVH? At least, that has been my experience so far in Noir.

Today, immediately after finishing the AVH - no favour. I had to do one more case for the favour. No complaints but it just seems odd.


Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Apr-7-2012 02:59

It was assuming the favour though, Ivy. We tend to (tend being the operative word) to call favours favours and other cases 'cases'. Someone else in LH - Ama? - had similar problem recently.

Fleur Veritas
Fleur Veritas

Apr-7-2012 08:12

I have just done exactly the same thing, Summer. Saw that a TH had moved to New York so travelled there from Delhi .... forgetting that I still had a favour standing from yesterday. In NY I had to do 4 cases before obtaining a favour. It seems that if you don't cash in a favour before travelling, the game percieves that as a 'quit'. So it is 4 (normal) cases before next favour rather than favour +3.

Fleur Veritas
Fleur Veritas

Apr-7-2012 08:15

Meant to say ...

The game doesn't seem to remember your 3 cases solved in previous city and add them to the 3 you do in next. The uncashed favour seems to wipe out everything and put you back to 'zero'. I'm probably making it sound more complicated than it is!

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

May-7-2012 19:21

- Not very much related to Summer's updates, but I have an idea, I might be pushing too far, I am wondering what you'd be thinking about it. Here it is:

I know I haven't finished sufficient number of AVH's to generalize but I will:

- a 48 grand AVH prize = 10 IH favors and such an AVH would last 3 days in general, as far as I can see.
( I wonder whether the prices of awards increase as the duration of an AVH increases too-> 62 grand prizes: (for?)how long did the AVH's that won you these awards last?)

- 3 days complete makes 12 favors, assuming all other cases are solved.

If you finish your AVH in 3 days (full), you are short of 2 favors.

Try this if you haven't already: the game gives you 2 favor cases by 1 or 2 AI's in between, right after an AVH hunt.

This could as well be just a coincidence, I don't now, it just popped up in my mind a day ago and it needs to be tested.

In short, I think it is possible that the game adjusts when one's going to be having a favor, depending on how many cases one is ahead/behind on an AVH as compared to what would have been otherwise, but, not without taking into account one's success during the AVH, meaning if you completed an AVH in 3 days but could have as well completed it in 2.5 days, had you not quit a certain number of cases, the game calculates the supposed number of favor cases you should be solving after an AVH (or not solving thereof) taking into account successfully solved cases/all cases ratio).

If this were to be the case, then it would explain why you didn't have a favor case awaiting after your AVH, too. I think Ben's never random(and not like randomness is possible, too) with the game and I believe that if this is not what really happened then there must certainly be some other logic behind it which explains everything. Only, we don't know.

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