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Establishing an Agency
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Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jan-18-2012 10:04

I have a few questions about this:

1. Down payment stated for a particular type of office... That is in total, right? If it is say, 5000 dollars, and you can have a max of 2 detectives, each can pay 2500, I mean? So it is not like you have to pay $2500 each in advance?

How about the rent? The amount stated for rent... That's the amount needed in total, too, right? So if the stated amount is 100 dollars, the smallest office with two detectives can be hired if each pays $50, right?

2. What does case files per detective mean? The daily number of cases increases by the number stated?

3. As long as one can afford it, is it ok to open up an agency just to play more times a day than an independent detective(one without agency I mean) allowed(more than 12 times a day? like 14 times if the office allows 2 case files per detective?)

If so, do we have an option to close the office for good? Or is not paying for the rent the only option? In that case are there any penalties?

(I want to rent one just to be able to play more times a day, butI don't think I will want to keep the office later on in the game unless we're given a chance to move to a better one as long as we pay the rest of it)


Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jan-18-2012 13:23

Answers from Riza Hawkeye(one of the kindest people here indeed, thank you):

1. The prices given at the real estate for agency offices are fixed. So that not only rent but the downpayment can be shared at the stated price, without an increase or interest.

2. Case files are unfinished cases that are stored in the office for someone else from agency to help out.

So if someone else from your agency has an unfinished case, you kind of have extra cases to solve.

But if you are the only member of the agency you that you formed, there's no way you can solve more than 12 cases a day.

I posted what I've learned from Riza's reply to this thread so that other newbies have an idea. I have no intention to overcrowd the place with my successive posts :)

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jan-18-2012 13:28

oh and I'm gonna quote the following section from Riza's reply:

3. "If you don't pay the rent for 2 days, your agency gets locked down until you pay 5 days worth of rent. If you want to close the agency for good, I believe you just leave the agency and everything just disappears. "

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-18-2012 16:11

1.) the downpayment is a total amount and if you and another person open it you both pay half of it using a letter of credit. The amount you pay in agency rent is a total amount and it is automatically taken OUT of the agency safe at turnover time (server reset) So, basically after you open the agency you need to deposit money from your detective, in to the agency safe, as that is where the rent is taken out.

2.) Case files per detecitve means you can store your 12 cases for a later time. So, out of your 12 daily cases, you can store say 2 case files a day (this 2 is depending on how many the agency will allow). This is for EACH detective. If you store them in the files you will not lose them at reset.

Your daily case limit will NOT increase, sorry!

3.) See above answer!

Basically, opening an agency is for people who want to have other peouple with them and store cases and share equipment and write on a message board, and do TH's.

It does NOT allow you to gain more cases a day (12 is the limit), but it does mean that you can store cases from your daily 12 limit and come back at a later time to finish them.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-18-2012 16:11

I will be actually moving this post as this is actually for recruiting people to join an agency.

THis actually belongs in the Newbies section!

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jan-19-2012 03:48

Thank you Lady Jas =)

It's beacuse I have come across some newbie questions like mine on that thread that I posted my question there.

I thought there was something categorical about agency questions and that I was expected to post them there. Seems I was wrong about that.

Thanks a lot for the transfer and the detailed reply:)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-19-2012 07:35

No problem Eden. There are a lot of stuff that is mentioned, a lot of which you asked, in the "Agency Qeustions" thread in the recruitment board, that is stickied at the top. It was originally posted by Amber Woodlock. Take a look in there as well, you might find more information useful to you as well.

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